Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Hello, I'm dynastygal, but you may see me on other sites as Chenli (that tends to be my veg*n forum handle).

I am very much into AR and I was vegetarian from the age of about 13 to 16 (I tried before I was 13 to go veggie but my willpower wasn't as good as it is now), and then I "upgraded" to veganism when I was about 16 and a half. I'm now approaching my 21st birthday... (next Tues :P)

Unfortunately for myself, I was a naive vegetarian before becoming vegan. It was only through seeing PETA videos that I realised the truth behind my consumption of dairy and eggs.

Throughout my life, I have shared my homes with several companion animals, all of which were and are rescues. When I was ever so young (about 5 I think) we had two companion kittens called cleo and patra, unfortunately, being a young child I was not best suited to caring after kittens so as far as I've been told they went to a new home. When I was about 6 or 7, we got Barney - a collie X Alsation from Wood Green in Godmanchester - his previous "carers" had abused him, hence his being at Wood Green. Alas, he had to be put down when I was 15 due to a heart attack, but my love for him still remains. Now, we have three new companion dogs - having got our first new one when I was about 18 from an animal sanctuary run by vegans that I volunteer at. She's Naboo, a 10 yr old collie x. Next we have Sally, a 7 yr old collie x red setter whom I fell in love with at an animal rescue place run by a friend of the family and his vegan wife. Sally came when I was 19. Lastly, Rolo, a collie x 5 yr old male came from a rescue place in Manchester...he's a handful. Photos of all are in the photo section.

Moving on, Casper, a tabby queen who was rescued, in a sense (she came to us), from a situation where she was basically a money-making machine. She wasn't fed properly, nor did she or her kittens recieve any prophylactic treatment. Same goes for all the other animals that have passed through that household - it is estimated around 40+ cats/kittens have gone through that household in the past couple of years. She now has a new home and is spayed and in good health. Her son, Bob, is still with us as are three other cats from the same household Casper was from; Bungle, Bungles daughter Bud, and Bungles other daughter Stella. So yes, all the recently mentioned cats have come from the same household, and 3 kittens also came from said household about a year or so ago and were transfered to a farm sanctuary as we are unable to look after so many cats!

I have also fostered a male kitten called Oscar for the sanctuary I volunteer at as he was quite unsociable when he was first there. He now has a lovely home with another rescue tabby. At the moment, I'm fostering a Mum (Jesse) and her two kittens, Tilly and Jasmine (she only has one eye).

As for other stuff about me, I've done a BTEC National Diploma in Animal Management, I like anime, David Bowie, and the SAW movies. I also love horror books, particularly Stephen King.

Um not sure what else to put.
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It's a pleasure to meet you dynastygal, wow, sounds like you really have your hands full there !!

We're very glad you have joined us here in AR Zone, I hope you enjoy it :-)

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