Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

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Q: On September 10th you wrote this on your blog: “We must never demand that those who are speciesist in orientation join us where we are, but we must educate them and invite them in a way they can accept.” Would you please give an example or two of what you mean?



Barbara DeGrande:


Let me use an example from my professional life as an analogy. If a client came to see me in therapy with an addiction that was destroying his or her life, it would do no good to demand they stop. The issues are too complex emotionally and physiologically. They would need to change many patterns in their life, many associations, and look at what function the addiction plays in their life and thinking. I would need for them to discover this and help them see by asking the right questions and supporting them. In much the same way, I cannot force anyone to become vegan.

I can only provide education, information and support should they choose to make a change in their life. A real life example: recently a former colleague asked me to stop posting vegan articles on his page. I agreed. About two weeks later, he wrote me that he was giving up eating mammals - no vegan but working on it. I put the information out, pulled back when asked, and then he felt comfortable and moved forward. I think the operative word in that quoted sentence was "demand." :-)

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Oh, this is so timely for me, Barbara! I got an email the other day from a close relative asking me not to post articles about animal cruelty on her page, as it made her page look so "ugly", and it made it "not a nice place to visit". "Please post just family messages".

The fact is, I had not posted ANYTHING on her page. I had posted graphic stories and images on my own page, and she was seeing them in her stream.

This woman drinks three huge glasses of milk per day, she and her whole family eat lots of meat, chicken and eggs. That is what I call UGLY. If she ever truly looked at the stories I post, and comprehended them, how could she continue doing what she does? I have not replied yet, as I am fuming inside over her trying to censor my Facebook page. Maybe I should suggest that she block my content or unfriend me.



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