Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism
At the request of Karen Stamper I am submitting her request regarding her latest update on the Mute Swans in Michigan and her concerns about how our wildlife agencies are needlessly killing millions of animals each year and what to do about it. I now submit that request and hope you will take the action she recommends:
Karen Stamper
Walled Lake, MI
Apr 22, 2016 — NEED YOUR HELP!
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that I overnighted a box of documents about the mute swan issue to the Rachel Maddow show. I slapped some labels on it that said " Governor Snyder is allowing our wildlife to be slaughtered". She hates Governor Snyder right now and is responsible for getting the Flint Water Crisis in the news. My hope is that our plea for help will spark her interest and she and her people will investigate the mute swan issue as well as the way our government agencies are "managing" our wildlife.
Below are her contacts. Please if you have time in the next couple days, write her with your concerns about the DNR's and wildlife agencies and get whoever you can to do the same. The unwarranted slaughters of The mute swans have got to stop. She said on her show that so many people from the Flint area had contacted her and that she could not not do anything about it.
It's worth a shot. If you have a petition site, please send something out to your signers to contact her as well. New York people this could put some pressure on the elected officials there to get the mute swan bill passed if she starts talking about it. Our friends overseas, please write her as well and express your feelings about the swan killings in the states.
Let's let these agencies know that we are not giving up!!!!!!!!!!
The Rachel Maddow Show regularly takes advantage of the assistance of our viewers in finding new stories and materials.
Most recently, you’ll recall, Rachel talked about an unusual RNC mailer that looked like a voting ballot. That came to our attention by way of a viewer’s e-mail. Specifically an e-mail to, which is actively staffed and processed daily.
Or perhaps you recall our Owl Warning Sign Challenge? The viewer submissions for that project came in (mostly) through our upload page here.
If you follow the show on Twitter, you already know we have an army of Twitter accounts*. The best one for reaching us with material you want us to see is @MaddowBlog.
And of course there is good old snail mail. To mail an actual, physical, touchable thing to the show, the address is:
The Rachel Maddow Show
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
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@Maddow is Rachel’s personal account.
@MaddowBlog tweets links and other blog content.
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