Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Not Concerned about Animals but Concerned about Wasteful Spending

Even if you are not concerned about animals but are concerned about getting wasteful spending in Congress using your hard earned tax dollars stopped you need to join The White Coat Waste Project.

The White Coat Waste Project’s Spending to Death report exposes how government agency laboratories are spending untold millions each year for painful, bizarre and wasteful experiments on more than 1,100 dogseven puppiesand how American taxpayers are forced to pay with virtually no details on what’s being done and how much is being spent.

Federal Employees Abusing Dogs in Government Labs

The federal agencies that conducted experiments on more than 1,100 dogs in 2015 include the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Defense (DOD) Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Veterans Affairs (VA)

Purchasing Puppies to Kill

Federal agencies spend taxpayers' money to buy beagle, hound and mixed-breed puppies and adult dogs to abuse and kill in painful experiments. Some are purchased from suppliers with extensive violations of federal law.

Severe Lack of Transparency and Accountability

Federal agencies provide taxpayers with virtually no information about how much money they spend on dog experiments each year, how and why the dogs are used, the outcome of the experiments, or what happens to the dogs when experiments end.

Outrageous Taxpayer-Funded Experiments on Dogs

Recent experiments in federal laboratories involved exposing dogs to anthrax, forcing them to suffer heart attacks, forcing them to repeatedly vomit, and drilling into their skulls.

Private Sector Acknowledges Dog Testing is Unnecessary

Pharmaceutical industry studies show disease and drug tests on dogs do not apply to humans and high-tech research tools like organs-on-chips are cheaper, faster and more accurate.

Majority of Americans Want Dog Experiments to End

Recent polls show 59% of Americans want to cut taxpayer funding for experiments on dogs, 75% of Americans want dog experiments phased-out altogether and 66% of Americans want spending information on all taxpayer-funded animal experiments to be publicly-available.

If you really want to reduce Federal spending and stop Congress from squandering your hard earned tax dollars which they seem to enjoy doing this is a good place to start You can read about this organization, including their contact information by clicking on the following link:

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