Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

The article is written by David Martosko, of the Center of Consumer Freedom.

Here's an interview with him:

I urge you to read the comments in both articles too. They reveal how much of the public views AR.

FYI for those who may be unaware, the Center for Consumer Freedom represents the interests of businesses and industries that produce animal foods. 

And I have a question for readers: Should the ALF focus only on freeing animals and not on property destruction?

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I think that the ALF should do what all activists should do, and that is let the interests of other animals inform and guide their practices. If it happened to be the case in a particular circumstance that the willful destruction of private property was the most effective action in the interests of other animals, then property should be destroyed. If it happened that handing to be the case in a particular circumstance that distributing vegan cupcakes was the most effective action in the interests of other animals, then cupcakes should be distributed. No options should be off the table and, ideally, all activists should be willing to do what the circumstances require. The interests of other animals should always come first and since humans are other animals too, then the circumstances which might require harm to them will certainly be quite rare indeed.

I think that many options should be off the table, in the struggle to end speciesism. I think that, all things being equal, violence and intimidation toward other individuals is an inappropriate way in which to bring about an end to violence and intimidation toward other individuals. 

As an example, sending a nail bomb to a residence with children is a potentially violent and, unimaginative and  misguided way in which to make any positive difference in the lives of other animals. 

The interests of all animals should definitely come first and I can't think of any circumstance which would require intentional harm to another individual unless one is in immediate fear of their own or another's safety, and direct harm will eliminate that danger, after other avenues have been exhausted. 

The A.L.F. have a strict non-violence policy, so I guess the A.L.F. would not support an "any means necessary" policy either.  

The problem with media reports like this, in my opinion, is that I can go out and burn down my neighbours house, and claim responsibility for it under the "A.L.F." name. It is interesting to read the thoughts of the founder of the A.L.F. - Ronnie Lee, in his ARZone interview of 2010. Particularly his thoughts on arson. 

Tim Gier said:

I think that the ALF should do what all activists should do, and that is let the interests of other animals inform and guide their practices. If it happened to be the case in a particular circumstance that the willful destruction of private property was the most effective action in the interests of other animals, then property should be destroyed. If it happened that handing to be the case in a particular circumstance that distributing vegan cupcakes was the most effective action in the interests of other animals, then cupcakes should be distributed. No options should be off the table and, ideally, all activists should be willing to do what the circumstances require. The interests of other animals should always come first and since humans are other animals too, then the circumstances which might require harm to them will certainly be quite rare indeed.

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