Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

I am interested to know what the spectrum of views on the use of eggs by people who care for chickens, ducks, quail etc are?


As a vegan is it wrong to make use of what could be termed a by product?

The bird is still going to produce the egg every time she ovulates. Should the egg be thrown away to make a moral point, or is it acceptable to use the eggs from the birds you care for?


I guess I'd like to hear discussion about people who have domesticated sheep, in specific the woolier breeds who may actually need to be shorn in hot climates, and then the use of what would now be a waste product should it not be used?


And as a final note, could somebody explain to me the ethics surrounding the keeping of honeybees and the use of their products as it is something I am currently ignorant to.

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I have read a few of the replies.  I am glad that Lisa V explained how taking the eggs away will affect the hens.  That is very important.  I agree with almost all of the comments against humans eating the eggs or using the wool. 

I would like to add that anytime we use something from others, even in the best sanctuary settings and using things that our friends no longer want, we are perpetuating the concept that those things are here for us to use. I think someone else whose post I read might have been saying that.

I know someone who was still eating eggs, dairy, and flesh from animals if he found it in the dumpster.  One of our other friends explained to him that doing that is damaging because it perpetuates the concept that animals are here for us to use (and he had other points that I cannot remember well enough)  Eventually, the dumpster diver came around.

At a sanctuary in my area they will either feed removed eggs back to the hens or to other non-human animals, but the humans would never eat them.  Egg laying takes a lot of calcium, and calcium depletion can cause the hens to have trouble laying the eggs, so eating the eggs helps get the calcium back to the hen.

Care for a dog?  Only if I am rescuing someone who needed a home.  I would never buy someone from a pet store or breeder.  The problem is that even by adopting and shopping for supplies I run the risk of perpetuating the concept that dogs are property.  I try to counter that by telling people the stories of the dogs in my care who would have died had I not adopted them.  Their food and belongings do not contain other animals.  When I buy a big bag of sweet potatoes at the grocery store the cashier will often comment.  I love telling her that I make my dogs' dinner with the sweet potatoes (and other ingredients).

Ride a horse?  No.  Rescued horses should be given plenty of space and enriching environments and companionship.

Feed the eggs back to the chickens. It helps them regain lost nutrients from laying them. Problem solved.
I have two girls that we freed from a cage almost a year ago (Dora & Lizzie).  In the first few weeks after they came to live with my family I was saddened by their eggs.  To me their eggs represent something so horrible, so devastatingly miserable.  The only reason they are born, caged then slaughtered.  I have come to actually hate eggs.  At first I gave them away by the half dozen so that friends would not buy them.  An advantage for sure.  Now they hardly lay at all which pleases me on their behalf. I feel strongly that no matter we come into possession of an animal or their 'by product' we as vegans should not eat or use them.  I wouldn't drink my nieghbours breast milk if she made it available to me now would I?

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