Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

There are two bills if passed will make a mockery of the word, "refuge" when applied to our so called, “National Wildlife Refuges” The first is the Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act. H.R. 3979 which will reauthorize the National Wildlife Refuge System volunteer, community partnership and education programs that help ensure Americans can visit, explore, fish, hunt, and study wildlife for generations to come.  The second one which is even worse is the SHARE Act which will allow all hunters, trappers and fishermen to kill the very animals these refuges are supposed to protect..  If anyone is in doubt about what the word "refuge" means, here is the definition, a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble”. If these bills are passed the whole purpose of why these refuges were created becomes null and void.

For those of us that want our wildlife completely protected from hunters, trappers and fishermen we must  write our Congressional representatives and demand their opposition to these terrible, terrible bills that will allow more and more killing of our helpless wildlife.

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