Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Lisa V's Blog (4)

Where to go from here ...

Many years ago, my brother in law was diagnosed with bone cancer. As he was laying on the operating table waiting to be put under for a mid thigh amputation, he tried selling the surgeon his financial services. Today, he's still just as passionate about what he does. I was always envious that he'd found his purpose ... he had a raison d'etre ... something that lit him up and kept him interested day after day after day. Not all that long ago, I realized *this* is my raison…


Added by Lisa V on November 13, 2011 at 15:46 — 2 Comments

The Most Delicious Thing


Lisa Viger The Most Delicious Thing Bill Buford


“For the last two and a half years, I’ve been able to declare, without hesitation and with only a modest sense of theater, that the most delicious thing I’ve eaten in a long time was a bowl of warm pig’s blood.” So begins Bill Buford’s tale for the New York Times Magazine of one of the tastiest…


Added by Lisa V on October 21, 2011 at 8:52 — 3 Comments

Faces of Vegan PROJECT



Hey my fellow vegans~! Some of the recent discussions here and elsewhere (in part) have been inspiration for a project that would give a face to vegans and veganism.


And I'd LOVE to have you- and your face(s) - aboard!



Added by Lisa V on August 26, 2011 at 0:54 — 3 Comments

Consistent vegan message in art?

Maybe it's just late and I'm over thinking this ... but


What are the "vegan values" for including animals and things like eggs in visual art?


This is one of my paintings, which includes an image of an injured/dead bird.


Cyn McCurry, a fabulous artist, does paintings which include images of eggs ... like this…


Added by Lisa V on July 15, 2011 at 15:37 — 7 Comments



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