Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism



Hey my fellow vegans~! Some of the recent discussions here and elsewhere (in part) have been inspiration for a project that would give a face to vegans and veganism.


And I'd LOVE to have you- and your face(s) - aboard!


So ... here's the scoop ...

What do vegans look like anyway?



They look like me. And they look like you.

What is the PROJECT?

The Faces of Vegan PROJECT is a collaborative video project that will show the world what vegans look like. The video will be made of photos (and/or short video clips) of real, genuine vegans … in all our wonderful diversity.


What do you have to do to participate?


First you have to be vegan.


vegan (ˈviːɡən)

-n a person who refrains from using any animal product whatever for food, clothing, or any other purpose


Then ...


It’s simple. Just take a photo or a very short video of yourself with something that says “I AM VEGAN.” It can be as simple as holding up a hand lettered sign in front of you and taking a quick photo.

But if you want to get creative, go ahead! Have fun with it! Do you live near a beach? Write I AM VEGAN in the sand. Make the words I AM VEGAN out of fruits and veggies, or rocks … or socks, or on a box. Take your photo with a dog, on a log … in the fog. Write it on your forehead, or in flowers. Make it fun. Or be serious. Whatever you like and whatever represents you best as a vegan.


The requirements are that the photo or video show your face and the words I AM VEGAN. Groups, of course, can say WE ARE VEGAN.

Video can include audio that says “I AM VEGAN” or “WE ARE VEGAN” but must also include it in written words in some way.

Please keep any video short and realize it will be edited for time and content.

A few more (important) things …

Please label your image file with your first and last name.


Photos and video must be clear and well-lit.


Photos and video must be unretouched, including no resizing and no text added. Send the image or video file just as it came out of your camera.


Photo and video files must be no larger than 8MB.

SEND your photo or video submission to:

There will (likely) be an alphabetical list of the participants at the end of the video, so please include a message about your name as you would like it to appear there.

The small print …

By submitting a photo or video, you:


grant Lisa Viger the right to print, publish, broadcast the photo or video, and use in any manner deemed appropriate, in any media for public information without consideration or compensation.


further release Lisa Viger from any and all liability, claims, or damages arising out of or relating to the photo or video submission.\


November 1, 2011

Views: 223

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Comment by Lisa V on September 19, 2011 at 6:26

For anyone interested in participating, here are some examples of what I'm looking for ...


Comment by Lisa V on August 28, 2011 at 1:53

Cyndi, the finished video should be ready within just a week or two after I get all the submissions and I think I'll time it to be out there online on November 24th, which is Thanksgiving. That seems appropriate.


Barb, I'm going to be getting the idea out there more over the next few days, but so far the response has been good from those who know about it. Lots of people aren't entirely comfortable with being photographed (including me), and whenever I've done a video project, that's always been the biggest obstacle. But that's OK, I've gotten really good at cajoling :). And I've got a couple of friends I'm talking to about some original music. I think it's going to be fun.

Comment by Cyndi Rook on August 28, 2011 at 1:28
Great idea Lisa. I'm encouraging the local groups to participate. One question I'm anticipating is where will the finished video be available for viewing. Online, of course, but it could help if I had something more specific. Possibilities?



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