Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism
Transcript of Dave Warwak’s Live ARZone Guest Chat
30 January 2010
3pm US Pacific Time
6pm US Eastern Time
11pm UK Time and
31 January 2010 at:
9am Australian Eastern Standard Time
Today we are speaking with Dave Warwak, author, artist, educator, social critic, activist, and public speaker.
Dave has traveled across the United States to deliver the truth about society's unjust use of animals for food and to explain that our commodification of animals is unacceptable. This commodification requires animals to be regarded as mere property and leads to treatment which can only be inherently cruel. Yet our culture is unquestioning in its acceptance of this crime against earthlings, and Dave shows that there is a system of indoctrination in place that makes this possible.
Dave holds a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Master of Arts from Northern Illinois University.
He was a tenured middle school teacher and taught art. Dave was outspoken on veganism while a teacher and his belief that veganism holds the key to a good and decent world. But this non speciesist view was met with resistance, and Dave was infamously fired in September 2007 while at Fox River Grove Middle School. The reason? Teaching kindness and compassion through veganism to his students. The risks associated with taking a hardline against animal exploitation were always very real, but he refused to sit quiet with so much needless violence all around him and a class full of impressionable students eager to hear a message of change and peace.
Dave was particularly offended by the milk moustache posters hanging in the hallways, and of course the school cafeteria was the final destination for many tortured farm animals.
But while the school lunch menu featured meat, dairy, and egg, like all schools, Mr. Warwak was not inclined to acquiesce based on the ubiquity of these corpse products. And as if to reaffirm his “distaste” …
for animal products, in 2008 there was a major contamination incident: Hallmark-Westland Meat Packing Company recalled 143 million pounds of meat, some of which made its way to Fox River Grove Middle School in 2007.
Dave published his book “Peep Show for Children Only” (2008-), in which he chronicles his struggle to teach compassion to his middle school art students against the orders of the school principal.
Dave appealed his teaching suspension and the book documents the State of Illinois court proceedings dealing with him. Copies of this book were confiscated by police after Dave distributed it to former students.
Dave is now lecturing throughout the United States on the importance of teaching children veganism.
Dave has spoken at the US National Animal Rights Conference and at the Veggie Pride Parade in New York City in 2008 and 2009. Dave is also a very talented artist, whose artistic theme is now centered around animal activism and veganism.
Some activists confront vivisectors, others take on factory farming, some activists target McDonalds, and others put KFC in their sights, some activists confront Japanese whalers. Dave confronts corpse-munchers: mommy, daddy, junior, and especially the President of the United States.
Let's give this amazing man a warm ARZ welcome!
Hello Davo!
Dave Warwak
Lisa Blundell
Hi Dave
Carolyn Bailey
Welcome to ARZone Dave!
Thomas Janek
Hi Dave
Danielle Hawley
hello Dave
Ceci M
Hi Dave, welcome!
William Paul
Sup Dave!
Carolyn Bailey
Before we begin, Dave has elected to reply to most of his questions as he receives them, spontaneously. Please refrain from interrupting while Dave is typing and save all comments until the conclusion of the formal session.
I’d now like to call upon Lilith with her first question for Dave, Lilith …
Lilith Green
Dave Warwak
Hi Lilith
Lilith Green
You were condemned for speaking out about the school lunch program at Fox River Grove Middle School. You warned that the meat and dairy being consumed was dangerous but were ignored. However, a year later 143 million pounds of dead flesh, some of which had been distributed to your school, was recalled due to contamination. Other than saying ‘I told you so’, …
how do you react to people who ridiculed you in a way that vindicates your warning?
Dave Warwak
Excellent question
The more they try to silence me, the louder I get. In this instance, I went to the newspapers, television and radio stations with my information. I phoned the Food Service Director for Illinois schools, Jim Copp and recorded the phone call and used this as part of my proof against the school. I also included the Hallmark Westland list of schools who received the recalled beef. I rely heavily on documentation knowing problems of vCJD will be difficult to prove without it some ten years later. All of the recalled meat at FRG MS was eaten and those children who attended school between 2006 and 2008 are at risk. I have been active in reminding people and getting in touch with those students. As far as my personal reaction to those who ridicule me, I often use their own words against them and certainly don’t take their ridicule personally, although it does seem to fuel my activism. They are only shining light on their deficiencies the more they lie, deny, and ridicule others.
Lilith Green
Thank you
Dave Warwak
Roger Yates
Thanks Dave
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks Dave, great response. Ceci will now ask you a question, Ceci ...
Ceci M.
Hi again Dave!
Dave Warwak
Ceci M.
I just need advice for my daughter. She is very thin naturally and is terrified to go vegan. Can you tell me, what high calorie vegan foods are there I can convince her with?
Dave Warwak
Hi Ceci, you have to sit down with your daughter and watch Earthlings. Even though she is lean, a vegan diet provides all the calories she could ever want and more. Corpse-munchers who go vegan are like smokers who quit. Not only do flowers smell better but food tastes so much better. She might find she will eat more because vegan food tastes so yummy, healthy and real. Eating real whole vegan foods and less processed foods is more filling and costs less when you get down to it. Yes, many processed vegan foods are expensive but if you stick to real foods, you will be amazed, it is actually cheaper. Beans, lentils, legumes, all the veggies and all the fruits, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes ... the more one looks into a vegan diet, the more they find that they have been missing out drowning everything with corpses, blood, and moldy pus. Your daughter will not waste away as so many corpse-munchers would have her believe ;-)"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association
that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are for individuals during all stages of the life-cycle including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence and for athletes."
Hope that helps
Ceci M.
She's truly scared though, what can I start her off with? Oh and yes it helps!
Dave Warwak
Watching Earthlings - learning about food comes next
She must want veganism from the heart
Learning is the easy part (and fun)
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks for the great advice Dave, Lisa would like to ask a question next, Lis ...
Ceci M.
Okay, Earthlings it is! She does want it, she is like me! Thanks so much Dave, you're awesome!
Lisa Blundell
Hi Dave :)
Dave Warwak
Lisa Blundell
In your opinion how long would it take for a pacifist to change the world and end the mass murder of animals, and how long would it take to achieve the same, if ALL of US acted NOW “by all means necessary?
Dave Warwak
Great question Lisa. Pacifist can still be confrontational without getting violent and be very effective. The key to change in our lifetime is not necessarily a question of pacifism vs. violence; but rather a question of who we target with our activism and of course a concerted effort on all our parts. Too many vegans keep to themselves and are not even activists of any nature. To answer your question how long will it take if we just go about this issue haphazardly without a real plan that we all agree on? The Earth is not waiting for our fumbling around in the dark. Violence is not the answer either. If we were all on the same page and honest with children by targeting them with our activism, the children would tell their friends and create the real revolution we need in a hurry leading to a vegan world in our lifetime. I believe December 2012 is the marker where we reach a critical mass of more love than hate in the world. Our efforts directed at animal welfare are simply a waste of time actually creating more harm than good by cooperating with the corpse-munching mindset we set our movement back tenfold.
Hope that helps
Lisa Blundell
It does! :-D Thanks very much. :-)
Dave Warwak
Roger Yates
Thanks Dave
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks again Dave, Stephi has the next question but has apparently slept in, so Roger will ask it on her behalf, Roger ...
Roger Yates
You must feel a lot of anger towards industries such as the dairy and meat industry who abuse/exploit animals, possibly more than the average ARA due to the fact that you lost your livelihood for doing what you simply had to do and that was expose the truth; however you were scrutinized and treated like a terrorist for it. How do you deal with the anger if in fact you have any?
Dave Warwak
Great question
Yes I am angry. But I am angrier with society as a whole and corpse-munchers as individuals than I am at the death industries who are only supplying the demand. I meditate a lot to control my anger and vent by getting the word out in real language without sugar-coating things. This approach angers corpse-munchers which in turn makes me feel better by not letting them slide. Corpse-munchers don’t mind when we attack the death industries but are quick to cry foul when we mention their sick lifestyles as the problem … and that makes me feel better. ;-)
We must remain positive inside ourselves with meditation to be the best activist we can be
Hope that helps
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks Dave, Jamie Rivet would like to ask you a question as well, but is at a seal protest today, so I'll ask on his behalf ...
I am serving on a committee for the Toronto Vegetarian Association. This committee is charged with planning and executing a post secondary school speaker series dealing with factory farming ...
and the cruelty of consuming animal products at 3 Toronto universities. Put another way, the talks are designed to show students the moral reasons for choosing veganism.
Why do you prefer to target a younger crowd with the message when most, such as Vegan Outreach, look to the college crowd as an ideal audience?
Dave Warwak
Excellent question Jamie. Young children are like sponges just waiting to absorb their world. Ignoring young children until they are “old enough” is the problem. We can not change brainwashed corpse-munchers as fast as they are born. There is a corpse-muncher born every 10 seconds in the USA. We can’t change corpse-munchers at that rate. We are losing because vegan education does not take place in schools – institutionalized brainwashing centers.
Children still love animals and their hearts are still open - as are their minds. Children have a way of starting revolutions. Look at Rock and Roll and the Peace and Love generations and how they shaped history. We need to get the ball in the child arena. St. Francis Xavier says, “Give me the children until they are seven and anyone may have them afterwards” We learn most of our values in early life – good values are not taught in school and many times, not even by our parents - and then schools spend the rest of our lives filling our heads with useless information. Get them while they are young and you have them for life. Once again, great question ;-)
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks Dave, Jamie appreciates your reply very much!
Carolyn Bailey
So, Dev Ious would also like to ask a question of you Dave, Dev ....
Yes thanks Roger its appreciated, hi Dave my question is I would like to ask how Mr. Warwak views the clear division between the Steve Best camp and the Gary Francione camp, and how this effects the animal rights community
Dave Warwak
Best is divisive for sure and does little to get corpse-munchers to go vegan and often preaches to his own choir hoping to work people-up into extreme acts of vandalism and such. Reports of such acts are often painted in a biased fashion by the meatia {sic}. That is expected, but in the end, vandalism does little good for in the end, until corpse-munchers go vegan, new death companies will emerge and those who stay will only rebuild newer and better killing machines with the insurance money. I guess in the end, these acts do create discussion, but little comes from distorted pictures.
I have never heard of a corpse-muncher who went vegan because a death industry was vandalized.
Francione does his share of preaching to the choir (nothing wrong with educating on a higher level – somebody has to teach the teachers) but I suspect he is out there getting people to go vegan as well as that is his message.
Best focuses on shutting down the death industries through vandalism and violence in general; while Francione focuses his message on vegans who he wants educating corpse-munchers in a creative but nonviolent way.I feel Best does more harm than good and creates rifts in the movement especially when personally attacking vegan abolitionists like Francione and myself; where as, Francione’s message of non-violent creative education is a sound one. My only real criticism of Francione is his message doesn’t stress reaching out to young children and public education enough. I especially like that Francione demonizes welfare - but then doesn't demonize corpse-munchers like Obama who is the biggest offender in maintaining the corpse-munching rule/status quo/welfare state.
All of that said, Francione and Best are doing what they feel is right and both have many valid points. No need to follow one or the other to the letter, but they both have much to offer – some more than others.
May i elaborate on this with a follow up question?
Do you agree then that there is a clear division in AR between pro violence and non violence and do you not feel there is a place in AR for both sides, a unified AR is better than split
Dave Warwak
ok thank you Dave, its appreciated :)
Dave Warwak
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks again Dave, Steph has 2 more questions to ask but is unavailable, so Roger will ask those for her, Roger ...
Roger Yates
from Stephanie through me..
Now that you can no longer teach in a normal school environment do you have any regrets about exposing kids to the truth?...
I would certainly not hesitate to educate kids about how the "nice white milk" they drink (just one example) comes from exploited/suffering cows.
Dave Warwak
No regrets. I hope to teach again as society changes and is more accepting of vegans/truth, but there is no way I could remain silent with the balance of our world at stake. I am puzzled why more vegan teachers are not speaking up and pressing the issue when they discover veganism is something off-limits. I would do it all over the same in a heart beat ;-)
Ready for the next one Roger
Roger Yates
this is a long Q Dave, so it will take a while!!!
As an animal activist I spend my time and energy trying to ensure that production animals are treated humanely, I do a lot of ground work in terms of attending salesyards, I attend one yard in particular which sells over 1.4 million sheep a year as well as enormous numbers of pigs and cattle.
I have been able to improve the welfare for these animals by exposing people such as live stock transporters and stock agents for handling animals very poorly at saleyards
In particular I ensure that stock agents do not sell animals which are unfit. It is very common for unfit sheep to be sent to saleyards and sold, many can barely walk due to their injuries and this is of course not acceptable as unfit stock must not be sold and transported that must be humanely put down.
Many people believe pushing for veganism is the only way to go in terms of encouraging others to not eat meat, while I agree with this approach I am also realistic and know that the farming of animals for meat shall go on regardless of how hard we push people to become vegan, which is why I work hard to push for welfare changes within the meat industry in Australia
My question to you is,
[this is where the story really starts!!]
Do you believe that many animal activists such as myself ensure production animals are treated humanely, are really only saying to the meat industry
OK it's alright to kill animals for food but you must do it humanely" which is the approach I take, and do you believe that pushing for veganism will eventually put an end to the slaughtering of animals, or is it more beneficial to try and protect production animals from abuse knowing that they will be slaughtered with or without the likes of myself and the countless number of vegans and vegetarians out there who do not eat meat due animal abuse.
end of Q!
Dave Warwak
I understand you feel greatly for the animals and only want what’s best and if not, whatever you can do. That is to be admired for sure. Sadly, Welfare is a waste of precious time that is running out (or may have already) when we could be concentrating our efforts towards abolition. Maybe welfare would be a worthwhile pursuit if we had more vegans as activists; but the sad truth is, with so few Animal Rights activists, we need every single body on the right path. We only have so much time on this Earth and we need a plan of action that is thoughtful, effective and plausible. Ask yourself a question that I posed to Karen Dawn (which sent her over the edge at the AR Conference in LA): If you lived during slavery and then were to describe your legacy to your great grand-children, would you want to tell them that you fought for better living conditions for the slaves or that you fought for their freedom?
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks so much Dave, great response!
Dave Warwak
Probably not the answer you wanted but I have learned, never ask a question you don't want the answer to
Carolyn Bailey
Marietta has a question for you as well, but couldn't be here, so I'll ask it for her ...
What would be your advice to a person, who lost his/her patience and would like to see a change NOW!
Dave Warwak
We all have that question!
Consider coming out of your shell and getting active within schools. Join the PTO/PTA and work on getting vegan lunches. Volunteer to visit K-12 classrooms to pass out vegan foods and introduce animals to the children and talk of kindness/veganism and all the implications of our dying world – especially in urban schools where many never see an animal except in pictures, TV, zoos, and dead on their plates.
To this very day, I have never met a chicken.
Use all your talents and be creative (art, music, web sites, pod casts, videos, demonstrations, lectures at libraries and other, write a book …) to get the word out and don’t let anyone tell you to be quiet about things that matter.
One of the greatest things you can do would be for the animals who have their heads on chopping blocks, not by making their lives a little less hellish, but by freeing them. I have rescued animals before and can attest such actions are what it is all about at its core. Jesus’ last act was freeing animals at the desert slaughterhouse (that butcher-shop they call Temple/Church) and corpse-munchers murdered him. Want to do something real, free some animals---much like the under-ground railroad---you will make a difference to those who our fight is really about. Your actions are immediate for those who are in harms way. Hope that helps ;-)
Carolyn Bailey
Thanks so much Dave, Bobbo is also here and would like to ask your last question before we move into the open chat forum, Bobbo ...
Rob Keeble
There are speciesists that fear our message of animal liberation (why this fear exists is beyond me!). They feel that approaching or leafleting to children is a “terrorist act” (idiots!). What are your thoughts on effective outreach to young people-- outreach that specifically does not create tension (or worse) between child and parent?
Dave Warwak
Good question Bobbo. Definitely work with the people in charge as much as you can by joining the PTO and working with parents, school administrators, and teachers; but when you see they are unwilling to discuss such matters, bypass them and tell the children in creative ways. I use small business cards (directing them to look-up “vegan” and “factory-farming”) and leave them in places children frequent. Consider making cool posters and stapling them along school routes children walk.
Would you avoid conflict or strife because drug addict parents objected to your efforts to get their children off of drugs? Certainly not. I feel to many of us worry about what dysfunctional sorts wish for us. I am sure you have seen the wrath I put out and I do offend many, but in person when I meet these same people, they are cool with me. Why? Because they know I am right and I smile when I talk with them. Smile and you can say whatever you want without much backlash. Hope that helps.
Rob Keeble
Cheers Dave .... YOU ROCK:-D
Carolyn Bailey
Thank you so very much Dave, for your insightful and considered information, it's such an honour to have you here with us. Would you be willing to spare a little more time in an open chat?
Dave Warwak
Thank you. Yes
debbie phillips
Several independent sources -- I can verify & name names -- have confirmed that you gleefully advocated a concerted plot to poison the conventional food supply and mass murder "corpse-munchers."
How can you possibly criticize Best?
Dave Warwak
Hearsay should rarely be believed especially mailicous hearsay. Always consider the source. Can you sight where I said this? I suspect a disgruntled activist is spreading hate and you are believing them
Carolyn Bailey
Please private message either myself or Roger with your interest to speak to Dave so we can keep the open chat orderly
Dave Warwak
I don't mind any question
Thomas Janak
I'd like to comment on one of the questions please
Carolyn Bailey
This is a civil and respectful discussion, we're not going to be able to continue with personal attacks on any member, its uncalled for and unnecessary
Please go ahead Thomas...
Thomas Janak
On Jamies question or on Daves answer. I absolutely agree that educating youngsters, toddlers and so on is the best way to go. I was fortunate enough to have worked with people aged 2 to 74 and the younger they are the easier it seems to communicate so called "difficult concepts" such as animal communicationa
and spiritual healing and I had a chat with Dave where we both talked about how important positivity is toddlers are by nature OPEN and positive - just my two cents
Dave Warwak:
Yes Thomas
The younger we reach children the more likely we are not wasting time
Thomas Janek:
Angela Dillon
How do you get around/respond to critics that say you shouldn't "peddle" your personal beliefs in the school environment. I had someone say to me that was unethical and not in usual policy of schools. However, I know teachers do it all the time and..sometimes it annoys parents, especially when they indirectly criticise my daughter for not eating meat!
Dave Warwak:
Those who criticize don't know true education. English teachers always use books as subject matter to introduce new ideas and my subject, art encompasses all of life - not just color wheels and crayons
Danielle Hawley
All i know is the world needs to go vegan. i guess there's 2 types of vegans. The Best and Francione kind. Bottom line is it doesn't matter what kind of vegan you are. just get the rest of the world to go vegan too!!
Drama and fights between people who want the same thing is stupid. NON VEGANS are the kind of people who pull that stupid drama shit.
Dave Warwak:
Viloence is not the answer - would you do what ever someone else says because they are violent or threaten you? No, then why should anyone listen to Best?
Lilith Green:
May I ask a question here?
Dave Warwak:
Lilith Green:
Ceci first sorry
Roger Yates
go Ceci!
Ceci M:
I just wanted to thank you Dave for your total honesty, I have had a very emotional day with the issue of animal torture, and you give me some hope. Vegan is vegan, and peace is part of that process!
Dave Warwak:
Yes, peace is the goal, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be confrontational with the real criminals that create the demand
Ceci M:
I agree, I'm the first one to confront, have been since I was very young. I find factory farming and animal testing, etc. to be such a challenge, I want to see it end in my lifetime.
Thomas Janek:
yesterday if possible
Danielle Hawley
right for you
Thomas Janek:
trick is to know ur audience
Ceci M
Not in my grandchildren's lifetimes. Is there truly any hope for this?
Dave Warwak:
We will see a vegan world in our lifetime - it is happening before your very eyes - they can not stop us now - too many people know the truth
Ceci M:
Thanks again Dave, Amen to that ;-)
Danielle Hawley
have a good night everyone, bye. :-)
Thomas Janek:
bye danielle
Dave Warwak:
Good bye Danielle - thank you ;-)
Thomas Janek:
Saturday, February 27th 2010: animal communicator Thomas Janak HERE in the chatroom on ARZ - put that in your diary folks!!
Ceci M:
You both rock, thanks and God bless! Goodnight!
Dave Warwak:
Lilith, if you want to know what happened with Best you can read here:
Lilith Green:
I have no interest in Best, I only know of my PERSONAL experience with Francione he drives vegans and ARAs away with his elitism
Dave Warwak:
I know of many who like his views
Thomas Janek:
If you want to listen to the 1-hour WILD TIME did with Dave pls go to: and scroll down
Carolyn Bailey:
I have to disagree Lilith, I find Gary's theories thought provoking and highly valuable
Dave Warwak:
Why is your anger revolving around Francione with all the evil in the world?
Thomas Janek:
most debates are valuable
Carolyn Bailey:
I won't talk of him personally, but his theories and his thoughts are very good
Angela Dillon
Well I haven't been driven away but I'm curious about how he might have upset Lilith.
Dave Warwak:
Sometimes, I feel like I am back in Middle School with all the immature clicks - grow up people
Thomas Janek:
Best Vs. Francione - sounds like being on the bloody X-factor.
Carolyn Bailey:
hahaha Tommo!
Dave Warwak:
All I know, is Best calls attention to Francione and then people find out Francione is got it right - that makes Best mad - he is only hurting himself and doing zilch for the animals "going vegan can be done without either of them"
Thomas Janek:
Catherine Heckford-Dickinson
I was vegan for 11 years before I heard of them LOL!
Carolyn Bailey
Absolutely, they're both intelligent men, but they're not compulsary for veganism, or even online actions
Dave Warwak:
I wish peeps would devote their anger and attacks at Obama and corpse-munchers in general instead of those in our own movement
Carolyn Bailey:
Indeed Dave, it is great to see people work together, it really helps the cause
Dave Warwak:
Well that was cool. Thank you all for joining in!
Thomas Janek:
all animals want is to live their lifes in harmony with nature as intended by the universe
thank you, Dave
Carolyn Bailey:
Agreed Tommo
Dave Warwak:
I look forward to the transcript Carolyn and thank you so much for putting this all together
Carolyn Bailey:
You are very welcome Dave, it was only with Jamie and Laura's help and Roger and Lilith today absolutely rocked this
Dave Warwak:
Thank you all ;-) ARZone rocks!
Angela Dillon:
Roger Yates:
Thanks Dave
Thomas Janek:
am off, too and remember: Saturday, February 27th 2010: animal communicator Thomas Janak HERE in the chatroom on ARZ - put that in your diary folks!!
Carolyn Bailey:
Thanks so much for your time Dave, on behalf of ARZone, you rocked!
Dave Warwak:
Way cool - later all ;-)
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