Animal Rights Zone

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And You Wonder Why the Public Thinks That “Animal Rights” People Are Crazy? ~ Posted by Gary L. Francione

And You Wonder Why the Public Thinks That “Animal Rights” People Are Crazy?

Written by Gary L. Francione

Dear Colleagues:

From an article, The Rise of Dog Identity Politics, in New York Magazine

For Singer, and for Newkirk, bestiality is not, in all circumstances, prohibited. “If it isn’t exploitation and abuse, it may not be wrong,” she has said.)

Singer, you will recall, argued a few years back that there can be mutually satisfying sexual activities between humans and nonhumans.

But I am puzzled by Newkirk’s statement. When is sex with a nonhuman not exploitation and abuse?

The New York Magazine article article also states:

Although PETA’s mission statement includes language suggesting that each animal life is intrinsically valuable, the organization’s actions describe a more nuanced picture. PETA kills a surprising number of the animals it takes in. In the decade beginning with 1998, PETA euthanized 17,000 animals—85 percent of those it rescued.

Perhaps the answer to my question is that sex with a nonhuman is not exploitation and abuse after the “rescued” animal is killed (by an “animal rights” group) but is still warm.

Gary L. Francione
©2010 Gary L. Francione

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Comment by Tim Gier on January 29, 2013 at 7:21

Gary Francione must be smarter than this blog entry indicates or else Rutgers has very low standards for tenured professors.

Comment by Carolyn Bailey on February 4, 2010 at 7:20
The very fact that they do have millions of dollars at their disposal and don't always spend it wisely should, in itself, be reason enough to invite them into AR Zone to speak about this, amongst many other topics.

I like to form my own opinions about people and orgs, and although I do have opinions on PETA, I think it's fair to allow others the same opportunity.

This is, hopefully, going to be a learning opportunity for our members, not a peta fest.
Comment by Carolyn Bailey on February 3, 2010 at 19:18
Hey Ceci,

This is the full article ...

Let me know if you'd like further info, or check out




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