Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Picture a fox, with its bloody leg mangled in the jaws of a steel jawed trap, tearing ligaments, pulling muscles as it thrashes around in abject terror in a vain attempt to get free.

Picture the fox breaking teeth, lacerating gums as it bites the cold steel that holds it prisoner. Imagine how it must feel for 1 in 3 foxes who will chew their own legs off as a desperate bid to escape, only to die a sad and painful death as a result of infection, blood loss, inability to hunt or predation.

Picture that fox, lying cold, scared, hungry and exposed to the harsh elements. Can you see the fear in its eyes? The returning trapper still has to dispatch the animal. A quick bullet to the head will damage the pelt so the fox will be beaten to death, usually with a club or back of a gun. Sometimes the trapper will kick it to death or simply let it starve. It will not be spared as greed and compassion do not mix.

Consider that it takes roughly 15 animals going through this blatant torture to make ONE fur coat. Now, in all honesty, is this cruelty worth entertaining in our modern fashion industry?

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