Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism


It is becoming clear that as a society we are becoming more and more speciesist.


What do you think about those who feel it is completely ok to factory farm, torture and slaughter animals so as to feed them to sustain so called companion animals (dogs and cats) rather than having them put to sleep?



Does this not seem to be completely hypocritical?


Many prominent animal rights advocates struggle with this question.

With many feeling the best way forward is the one with the "least harm" to ALL animals.

If this is the case then it would appear that the "least harm" would then be to humanely put the huge over population of excess companion animals to sleep as to keep them alive and sustain them hundreds of animals would have to suffer and  die.


So why is it that our society has become so speciesist?


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Tim thank you for being rational and logical we do have a hugre dillemma. It is sad some cant actually see this or the hipocrocy.

A chicken is a sentient being so are all the other animals routinely tortured, cruely slaughtered and processed for "pet food" all so we can feed "cute dogs and cats"
I think most of us here oppose the breeding of more animals for companionship--I know that is my position at least. We should feed them vegan food if we can, but there may be some cats and a few dogs who require animal products to be healthy. Possibly. I'm still confused on this point and I hope it's not true. I hope my cats can be vegan some day, but I'm not going to apologize for taking them in in an emergency (their former family was going to kill them) and feeding them what they were used to and what was available at the time.
The PETA link has nothing to do with Nathan Winograd or the philosophy he represents, and is just an attempt to mislead people with a false generalization.

The other link is absolutely absurd, and Winograd has already refuted it on his own website. It has no credibility.
Winograd and the "the philosophy he represents" is maintaing and increasing the number of animals out there.
That's just it--no it's not. People who adopt an animal from a shelter because it's implemented the no-kill equation and succeeded in reaching the public would most likely have gone out and bought an animal if the "shelter" had just gone on doing things the old way. There would still be plenty of animals eating other animals--and the "surplus" (as you call it) would keep getting killed. I thank Winograd for making this issue a mainstream issue.
So what? If I quote you on my website and tell someone to read your books, does that mean you agree with me on anything or that we have "ties"? Winograd is a public figure. He'll speak to anyone who is willing to listen, and why shouldn't he?
This is obviously a very emotional topic, and, again, Nath, thanks for posting it here!

It's difficult for those who choose to share their lives with domesticates to hear that, in order to sustain the lives of their "companions", others are being killed.

There are only two choices - continue denying an overpopulation problem, continue breeding domesticates into existence for the convenience and self indulgence of humans, and continue slaughtering millions of other animals every single year to do so, or, admit there is an incredible overpopulation of domesticates who are imprisoned as our "pets", for our own self indulgence, bred to be the "pets" we design, bred into a world which is unable to adequately accommodate them, and guess what? Then killed.

Nathan Winograd is an upcoming ARZone chat guest and ARZone member, I would ask that people feel free to discuss his theories, but please understand that personal attacks on any ARZone member violates ARZone rules.
That site is heavy on accusations and light on proof. I don't think the author has put her/his case together very well (if they have a case). Anyone can concoct allegations against anyone else--where's the evidence that they're telling the truth?
People will always want to buy the "cute pupy or cute kitten" thats what "no kill"supporters fail to understand. There is a massive over population of cats and dogs in society and we should all be aiming to reduce this. To deny over population is criminal.

Only when we stop the cycle which means stop the breeding can we hope to fix this problem.
He is a narcissistic, ego driven, self appointed expert who has obviously sold his soul to the only people willing to pay. People truly concerned about animal welfare or animal rights cannot take this guy seriously. He jumps on headlines that he thinks will give him an opportunity to promote himself and bash others. I'd like to see one example of his no kill theory working in an open admission shelter where animals are not sent off to local ACCs to be killed. It's easy to be no kill when you have someone else do your dirty work.

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