Animal Rights Zone

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Fossil Fuel Frenzy Taking Toll on Forgotten Flatback Sea Turtles

With climate change beginning to take its toll on sea turtle nesting beaches, hatchling gender and food supplies, destroying habitat and generating new global warming gases would seem to be a counter-productive response.

However, Chevron and Big Oil continue to push for drilling for oil and natural gas projects to produce more fossil fuel for burning – and increasing carbon dioxide emissions while extracting and exploiting resources along the way.While the fossil fuel frenzy is occurring around the globe, one of the most blatant conflicts between Big Oil, global warming and sea turtles is in remote Northwestern Australia.

Here Chevron and Shell among other international corporations are running roughshod over western and indigenous communities, government and the environment to push through LNG projects that will not only destroy sea turtle nesting habitat and pollute waters that are critical to calving whales, but generate tens of millions of tons per year or more of new carbon dioxide emissions every year...


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Hey Herdis

I live in Australia, I know what you mean. I signed this one using all my own details and just put the first state in the list, it went straight through.

Good luck if you decide to try again :-)
I wish the petition weren't through peta.. i hate peta... I did sign though. I wonder if anyone knows how effective petitions like this actually are?
excuse me, this one didn't go through PETA, I was mixing it up with the elephant one.
I am not sure how effective petitions can be, even though I host a few. I work with OIPA, and we feel that petitions help raise awareness but also call attention to political leaders. I think on a local level they may be more effective. I mean, seriously, is China going to pay attention to an anti fur petitions with 10,000 signatures? In the face of the size of their population, I doubt it. But 10,000 signatures for a petition in one city can be a powerful statement. We use our petitions to tell the mayor of our town what people are thinking and therefore he has to pay attention. But they don't seem to get much attention when we target national politics.
the term "impotent frustration" comes to mind when I sign petitions which I'm fairly sure will do no good. I do it because i know i have to do *something* because the alternative is to sit back, helplessly, and watch these injustices. I can be more green.. get a hybrid care (if i can ever afford one), and do those kinds of things, but there's no protests for sea turtles like there are for zoos and seeing the horrors of the world we live in is so infinitely enraging and depressing.. I agree about the local level- I, along with a couple vegan groups, the SPCA and the human society here in my county prevented legislation that would have allowed unlimited fox trapping and even moved a few people to address banning it altogether. Small changes.

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