Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

[M]ovie stars, singers and athletes encourage you to drink more milk by wearing milk mustaches. And all of this was done in the name of promoting healthy and strong bones and teeth.

Recent research published online March 5, 2012 in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine is generating doubt about this deep-rooted notion. Researchers designed a cohort study to determine the effectiveness of dairy products, calcium and vitamin D in reducing stress fractures among girls aged 9 to 15 years old.


According to Harvard's School of Public Health it's not clear that we need as much calcium as is generally recommended. They also suggest that dairy products may not be the best source of calcium for most people. Instead, they recommend getting your calcium from non-dairy sources like collard greens, bok choy, fortified soy milk, baked beans and dietary supplements that contain both calcium and vitamin D.

If you want healthy and strong bones, the next time you see the most recent advertising campaign from the milk processors and dairy farmers-"Got Milk?"-you may want to say "no and swallow a vitamin D supplement instead.

L I N K .

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Actually milk products contribute to osteoporosis.  Dairy is acid forming in the body, and calcium is alkaline.  So to counteract the acidosis, the body leaches calcium from the bones and so you get brittle bones and so on.  If people were to consume alkalising foods, especially green leafy foods, they shouldn't really need Vit D unless they live somewhere that has long dark winters.  Kale is an excellent source of calcium too.  There is now vegan sources of Vit D3, see

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