Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Sam Reynolds
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I have 10 non human animals living with me including three rescues. I am a member of PETA and HSA and a contact for Animal Aid.I support all our AR prisoners who are serving ludicrous sentences in UK prisons. I also support any and all anti vivisection campaigns.I am not a vegan.....yet... but I am an ethical vegetarian.

Sam Reynolds's Blog

Coming together

Posted on January 4, 2011 at 2:30 13 Comments

Today I have been looking through various AR groups on fb etc and see they all have a similar thread. Disagreement!

I do believe that debate is healthy but talking never saved a single life. In the time it takes to argue your point, you could have signed ten petitions, made phone calls, wrote to some ARPs.

I hope that 2011 brings some real harmony amongst the groups and that the larger organizations can start working together more and that as a movement, we can come together, draw up… Continue

AR Zone. Bringing about change?

Posted on January 2, 2011 at 9:10 6 Comments

Today I feel excited.......I feel excited by the possibilities and opportunities that AR zone offers to our movement.

One of our greatest problems is that there are millions of "animal" groups around the world and our message and resources are stretched to their limit. ARA's argue with ARA's, Vegans argue with vegetarians etc but our core beliefs are the same.

As a movement, we must come together, fight together, put our human differences aside and bring about change. I feel excited… Continue

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 18:53 on February 14, 2011, Douglass said…
Sam, this is my response to your comment on my ARZone blog, "Vegans Against PETA."
Since I also posted it on that wall, you're welcome to remove this comment at your discretion, thanks:

Thanks for your comment, Sam.
Living in the Bay Area, although we are still the minority (for now), I cross paths with Vegans and vegetarians, frequently.
I appreciate some stereotypes, as you've suggested. But I've noticed plenty of scary omnivores, too.
I find your agreement with PETA's euthanasia policies particularly disturbing.
Obviously I'm not saying it's good for animals to live in cages.
I'm suggesting PETA's energies are generally misguided.
You are mistaken: there *are* enough "good hearted people" to adopt.
Truly, more then plenty!
My understanding is clear that, with enough effort, good, happy and healthy homes could be found for every needy animal. A little bit more effort is necessary.
The money is already there.
So, for example, if instead of PETA generously spending their funds on the mentioned sexist anti-fur campaigns, they could focus more towards adoption.
It's quite obvious that the easy way out is for PETA to simply "eliminate" the problem.
PETA is exercising that exact "selfishness" you've commented on.
If you were one of their healthy dogs next to be put down, I think you'd be less agreeable.
At 3:53 on January 4, 2011, blackpanther said…
hi Sam!
At 23:20 on January 1, 2011, Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ said…
Hello Sam. Welcome to Animal Rights Zone



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