Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

VegInspiration. Ripples that Radiate ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

VegInspiration. Ripples that Radiate…

Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 13, 2010 at 9:00 — No Comments

We Eat Meat Because We Can ~ Tim Gier

From Tim's blog ~

At the beginning of the last segment of a four part YouTube video of an interview with Animal Rights

Philosopher Tom Regan originally shown on Irish TV, a member of the

audience said this: “We… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 10, 2010 at 19:04 — No Comments

Children Of All Ages Delighted By Enslavement Of Topsy The Elephant ~ The Onion

TUCSON, AZ — Cheers, laughter, and applause filled the big top tent at the Ringling Bros. Circus Saturday

as children of all ages were captivated by the savage enslavement of
Topsy the elephant.

Whether young or just young at heart, thrilled audience members watched with glee as a circus trainer forced the frightened Topsy to perform tricks by brutally poking and prodding the traumatized…


Added by Brooke Cameron on June 4, 2010 at 12:00 — No Comments

Extreme Negligence - Breaking news: Dog fight at animal control shelter leads to dog's death (video) - LA Dog Rescue Examiner

Roy Hamilton, Director of Forrest City Animal Control

"The scene was a blood bath, with several dogs lying on the ground injured, unable to move and worse, one poor, gentle dog was being dragged around by several other dogs. Blood was everywhere...."

For the rest of this story click here ----->>… Continue

Added by Humane Animal Resources on June 3, 2010 at 14:00 — No Comments

Violence in Animal Rights ~ Roger Yates

Violence in Animal Rights.

I've had occasion to recently pull out some old files full of magazines and what not (looking for a… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 2, 2010 at 13:00 — No Comments

Jeff Perz ~ Guest Chat Transcript ~ 29 - 30 May 2010

Transcript of Jeff Perz's Live ARZone Guest Chat

29 May 2010 at:

3:30pm US Pacific time

6:30pm US Eastern…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 30, 2010 at 13:00 — 21 Comments

VegInspiration. To Be Free ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

To be free, we must practice freeing others. To feel loved, we must practice loving others. To have true self-respect, we must respect others. The animals and other voiceless beings, the starving humans and

future generations, are pleading with us to see: it’s on our plate.…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 30, 2010 at 2:00 — No Comments

On Various Religious and Secular "Justifications" of Unjustified Violence ~ Dan Cudahy

Abolitionist vegans vary in their religious beliefs from “atheist activist” to “spiritual” to sincere adherence to any one of the five major religions of the world. The philosophy of abolitionist animal

rights and veganism seeks the end of unnecessary violence, killing, and harm inflicted on innocent sentient nonhuman beings. As such, there is nothing inconsistent about combining such a wide range of secular and

religious beliefs with a strong belief in… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 27, 2010 at 17:00 — No Comments

This is my story - Becoming Vegan on Valentine's Day 2010

The moment I saw the horrible undercover videos on the PETA website of the conditions at today's "factory farms", I knew I had to change the way I eat. The day was April 24th, 2009. I was so disturbed by the way the workers treat the animals, thinking to myself, what is the difference between these animals that we call FOOD and my beautiful companion dog that I snuggle to, or the dogs and cats that I see at the Dutchess County SPCA where I do volunteer work? I was blind to what was going on…


Added by Michael T Tiedemann on May 26, 2010 at 8:22 — 1 Comment

BP's Greenwashing Can't Clean Up Their Spill ~ Andy Stepanian


Added by Brooke Cameron on May 25, 2010 at 13:30 — No Comments

In Defense of the Term ~ Moral Schizophrenia ~ Dan Cudahy

In Defense of the Term "Moral Schizophrenia"


Professor Gary Francione has coined the term “moral schizophrenia” to refer to the difference between what we

as a society say we believe about animals and how we actually behave

toward… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 24, 2010 at 6:25 — No Comments

5/22/10 UPDATE: Sending a pre-written letter to the DDA assigned to the Courage case - LA Dog Rescue Examiner

Courage as received by GSROC (Photo courtesy of GSROC)

"Deputy District Attorney Jennifer Bainbridge is the DDA assigned to the case of The People of the State of California v. Kimberly Nizato...."

For the rest of this story click here ----->> FULL… Continue

Added by Humane Animal Resources on May 23, 2010 at 20:57 — No Comments

Partners in Exploitation ~ Prof. Gary L. Francione

Partners in Exploitation ~ Prof. Gary L. Francione

Dear Colleagues:

Making society feel more comfortable about animal exploitation and encouraging consumption are more often than not an explicit goal of animal welfare campaigns and organizations.

For example, many of the large…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 23, 2010 at 9:55 — No Comments

A change is Gonna Come ~ Tim Gier


One problem with people who are advocating for social change, in the form

of the broader acceptance of the rights of others, is that we are in

too much of a hurry. Another problem is that we don’t talk nicely…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 21, 2010 at 22:00 — No Comments

A Baby Seal Walks Into a Club… ~ Tim Gier

A Baby Seal Walks Into a Club ...

In my most recent previous post, I explored some examples of how one might decide whether

their actions were consistent with their principles. For example, I suggested :

If stealing involves disrespecting the rights of others, and if…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 17, 2010 at 17:30 — No Comments

Carol J. Adams' ~ Live Chat Transcript of 15 May 2010

Transcript of Carol Adams' Live Chat of 15 May 2010

3pm US Pacific Time

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm UK Time

16 May 2010 at:

8am Australian Eastern Standard Time


Carolyn Bailey:

Carol J. Adams, today’s ARZone guest, is the author of The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist – Vegetarian Critical Theory, as well as The…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 16, 2010 at 15:00 — No Comments

VegInspiration. A Primary Symbol ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

Food is not only a fundamental necessity; it is also a primary symbol in the shared inner life of every human culture, including our own. It is not hard to see that food is a source and metaphor of life,

love, generosity, celebration, pleasure, reassurance, acquisition, and

consumption. And yet it is also, ironically, a source and metaphor of

control, domination,…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 14, 2010 at 9:22 — No Comments

THE WORLD IS VEGAN! If you want it. ~ Dan Cudahy


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 13, 2010 at 19:01 — No Comments

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