Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

How Free-Range and Factory Farmed Animal Products are Breaking the Planet


Originally published at This Dish is Veg

September 8, 2011


Meat-eating environmentalists and the Tooth Fairy have more in common that you’d think.  Eating animal products, whether from a factory farm or “local, free-range” has an undeniably destructive effect on the Earth, and it is…


Added by NR on November 8, 2011 at 8:24 — 2 Comments

Dear Fur Wearing Vegan-Environmentalist, You’re Not Fooling Anyone


Originally Published on This Dish is Veg

August 26, 2011

In a twist of audacity, the fur industry has committed misdirection worthy of Houdini—fooling many a stalwart environmentalist and vegan into becoming walking advertisements for their…


Added by NR on November 8, 2011 at 8:24 — 3 Comments

The Astounding Differences in Chimp Y-Chromosomal Structure Add Weight to Bill Banning Ape Research


Originally published at This Dish is Veg

September 12, 2011

Before the Human Genome Project, epidemiological study of human populations, cellular and tissue research, clinical trials, and innumerable technological advances, scientists had few resources to understanding the… Continue

Added by NR on November 8, 2011 at 8:24 — No Comments

Transcript of ARZone Workshop 8 on Too Vegan or Vegan Enough?

Transcript of ARZone Workshop 8

Are You Too Vegan or Are You Vegan Enough?

29 October 2011

6pm US Eastern Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 5, 2011 at 18:46 — 5 Comments

Carnism: Why Eating Animals is a Social Justice Issue ~ Dr. Melanie Joy

Eating Animals Social Justice Issue


I don’t eat lamb…You feel guilty. It just feels kind of like…they are very gentle. Well, cows are [gentle, too, but] we eat them. I don’t know how to describe it….It seems like everybody eats cow. It’s affordable and there are so many of them but lambs are just different….Seems like it’s…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 4, 2011 at 11:30 — No Comments

Frequently Asked Questions ~ Tim Gier

A list of Frequently Asked Questions commonly heard by many vegans.


What is a vegan?

A vegan is one who fully respects the lives and well-being of others. A vegan strives to avoid harming others and does everything possible to avoid using any living being as a resource or a thing. A vegan doesn’t eat other animals and she does…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 2, 2011 at 15:00 — 2 Comments

Petition for the right not to eat animals in French schools


A governmental order published on October 2, 2011 has outlawed vegetarianism in all French schools





Added by blackpanther on October 25, 2011 at 0:48 — 9 Comments

The Most Delicious Thing


Lisa Viger The Most Delicious Thing Bill Buford


“For the last two and a half years, I’ve been able to declare, without hesitation and with only a modest sense of theater, that the most delicious thing I’ve eaten in a long time was a bowl of warm pig’s blood.” So begins Bill Buford’s tale for the New York Times Magazine of one of the tastiest…


Added by Lisa V on October 21, 2011 at 8:52 — 3 Comments

Transcript of Dino Sarma's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Dino Sarma’s Live ARZone Guest Chat

15 October 2011

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm UK Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 16, 2011 at 16:30 — 3 Comments

How to Beat the #OccupyWallStreet Trending Blackout

Despite the obvious trend of #OccupyWallStreet on Twitter, the hashtag is not being listed. It is being blacked out. It only goes to prove that ‘big brother’ is watching and that he is afraid of the truth: We outnumber him 99 to 1! Regardless, everyone knows about #OccupyWallStreet because we, the people, have been spreading…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on October 10, 2011 at 16:36 — No Comments

Transcript of Howard Lyman's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Howard Lyman's Live ARZone Guest Chat

8 October 2011

3pm US Pacific Time

11pm UK Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 9, 2011 at 16:47 — 4 Comments

Counterfactuals ~ Tim Gier

What is a counterfactual and why should you care? Suppose that I say, “If only Thomas Jefferson had championed the cause of the abolition of slavery then slavery in America would have been abolished when the United States was founded.” That’s a counterfactual. It poses a solution to a problem (or a cause for some effect) that runs counter to the facts as we know them. Why should you care? Because, staying with the example, it the counterfactual was true, then supposedly we would know…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 2, 2011 at 16:40 — 2 Comments

Ad Hominem Attacks ~ Tim Gier

Spend any time online and sooner or later you will witness someone accuse someone else of using an Ad Hominem attack. Most of the time, the accuser is mistaken. Consider the following two examples:

 1. “Prof. Guy Frangelini is abrasive, arrogant, egotistical and mean-spirited. Given that, I choose to avoid him and his most loyal followers at all…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 2, 2011 at 16:00 — 1 Comment

Hello Animal Rights Zone!

My name is Jack. I am a 22 year past old meat eater, and a 2+ month vegan. I made the lifestyle change instantaneously once I watched a documentary my sister sent me entitled "Earthlings." Ever since then I have found a niche for documentaries shedding light on our sugarcoated American lifestyles that exploit the weak and unprotected.

Becoming a vegan has been the best thing to happen to my mind, body and spirit. I have more energy, drive and motivation in my everyday life.…


Added by Jack on October 1, 2011 at 3:14 — 3 Comments

Stop Animal Exploitation NOW! (S.A.E.N.)

Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!

S. A. E. N.

"Exposing the truth to wipe out animal experimentation"


Stop Animal Exploitation NOW is working with grassroots activists to present a series of training workshops, education/motivational talks, protests, etc. from Saturday September 24th through Sunday October…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on September 30, 2011 at 12:00 — 1 Comment

Symbols For Campaigns


Ric O' Barry's dolphin project initial and well known logo that includes:

- chains,

- stop sign.


This image immediately communicates across language barriers that all dollphins in the world face CAPTIVITY, and animal abuse, trade etc is a global problem.



Added by yf454rtrt on September 30, 2011 at 4:01 — 2 Comments

Can Moral ‘Discrimination’ Be Non-Speciesist?

In response to some criticisms I raised about his paper “What is Speciesism?”, Oscar Horta has graciously replied with some Clarifications to it. To extend that discussion, I am offering this follow-up reply, which will neither address all of Horta’s points, nor do so in the sequence he presents them. In addition, not all of my comments will pertain directly to something he has written, since I cite the views of Mary Midgley, Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Steve Sapontzis, Gary…


Added by Paul Hansen on September 29, 2011 at 20:00 — 3 Comments


Can you capture a rainbow and confine it to a bottle?

Why then


do we think that anything beautiful is ours for the taking.

Why then


do we snatch them out of the skies to imprison them in a fishbowl.

They are created with heavenly wings, to fly, and fly, and


Soar through the forever vastness of the blue.

A cage compared to

the sky, is a fishbowl, that makes their wild eyes,…


Added by Julie Castle on September 27, 2011 at 21:36 — 2 Comments

Transcript of Gary Smith's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Gary Smith’s ARZone Live Guest Chat

24 September 2011

3pm US Pacific Time

6pm US Eastern Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on September 25, 2011 at 19:30 — 3 Comments

UN Urges Vegan Diet to Save the Planet

Please take a few moments to watch this video. I believe you will find it quite interesting.



Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on September 23, 2011 at 13:30 — No Comments

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