Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Holise E. Cleveland III
  • Male
  • Ocala, FL
  • United States
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Holise E. Cleveland III's Discussions

What Can I Do?

Started Oct 10, 2010 0 Replies

When I joined the facebook cause application page, "Save Japan Dolphins," I noticed that someone had posted a simple question, "What can I…Continue

Tags: I, do?, can, What, protests


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The world is changing. Who is coming along for the ride?

The following is a post I made on Elora Malama's blog. Elora and her father, (Sea Shepherd's Scott West), are currently in Taiji, Japan reporting daily. It is suspected that her blog is being monitored by Japan officials which is why some of my comments are directed as such.

The Japanese are by far one of the most intelligent races of people on earth. They are the most disciplined and hospitable. Their culture is remarkable and their art is awe-inspiring. They are a people of tradition and family values. That is why I am dumbfounded to know that these atrocities are committed at their hands.

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. We had a very rich culture in the deep south that was very much deep-rooted in slavery. Abraham Lincoln is the name that I remember most for being a major contributor to the abolition of our cultural atrocity.

Our culture changed. We no longer kept our dark brother in physical chains but we kept him at the back of the bus and we had many fine establishments wherein he was not allowed. We enjoyed our precious new society for some time before someone else had the audacity to stand up. The name that comes to mind is Rosa Parks.

Culture at its worst may endure indefinitely until someone makes a change for what they know is right. While there are undoubtedly thousands involved in such monumental cultural adjustments, there are only a few names that go down in history.

Elora, be sure to save every tidbit of text that you have written and every photograph you have taken in Taiji. You are writing history. I have no doubt that excerpts from your blog will be appearing in students’ text books of future generations.

Japan. Whose names shall go down in history for making an epic and bold move in your culture? Will it be your name, Mr. Fu (head of the fisherman’s union)? Will it be your name, Mr. Prime Minister? Or whose name shall it be? Will you be remembered by your children’s children and their children and their children and your entire nation for doing what is right? Or shall you be forgotten simply by abiding the status quo? What will be the historically significant name that the world remembers?

Worse yet, will your name be remembered for being the opposition?

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Holise E. Cleveland III's Blog

Interview with Sea Shepherd Scott West at Bonneville Dam

Posted on May 11, 2012 at 0:57 0 Comments

". . . for twenty-one years, as a federal agent I'd see a problem, I'd walk into the middle of it and
stop it. Not being able to do that in Taiji or do it here at the Dam is
extremely difficult."

I spoke with


Sea Lions Rescued, Rehabilitated, Released and then KILLED!

Posted on April 23, 2012 at 17:36 0 Comments

"I want to live in a world where animals are protected and not slaughtered senselessly . . . where dolphins, whales, seals are not held in captivity and used for entertainment . . . I want Sea World to close . . . I am hoping this can happen in my lifetime. If these kids have their way, it just might . . .…


Volunteer as a Cyber Whale Warrior

Posted on April 17, 2012 at 8:57 0 Comments

“It is worth reminding ourselves that the greatest joy and satisfaction in life come from actions we undertake out of concern for others.” ~ Dalai Lama

We need an army of warriors in Marine Conservation. Whether you…


Gatesville Prison: Warden orders kittens to die

Posted on March 28, 2012 at 9:15 1 Comment

Posted by Negotiation Is Over on March 27, 2012

by the Barbi Twins

Warden forbids guards saving kittens after mom was trapped and killed.

Warden  says it’s “none of your concern.”

Please call…


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At 6:08 on December 14, 2012, Zitah A Jons said…

hey are you online ?, am just on your profile can say its good but can we get to know better than here if you really want and also correspond and here is my email, {} and if you wouldn't mind can we chat now ?

At 7:59 on February 3, 2011, Maynard S. Clark said…
Thank you for 'friending' me here.  Can you get me MORE AR Zone friends?  I've bumped up against my 100-request limit and cannot even SEND in-mails to anyone on the sites any more (nor can I delete the e-mails or requests I've already sent out.
At 6:37 on February 3, 2011, Maynard S. Clark said…

Will the world see peace is WE (a small percentage) just refrain from doing violence in OUR share of the space-time continuum?

During the 1960s and 1970s, faith communities that committed themselves to PEACE used terms from the Vietnam war (the War in Southeast Asia) and termed their buildings and communities 'a DMZ' - a demilitarized zone.


How effective are WE (by our not doing violence)?


How tempting it must be for those who want to have an impact to want to scale up their own use of power, rather than to back off.  But 'escalation' of violence seems to make things much worse (or does it)?  What is effective, and what did Mohandas K. Gandhi teach about Satyagraha?  Is that morally and strategically TRUE, or is it not?

Feel free to friend me and connect with me.






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