Animal Rights Zone

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Gatesville Prison: Warden orders kittens to die

Posted by Negotiation Is Over on March 27, 2012

by the Barbi Twins

Warden forbids guards saving kittens after mom was trapped and killed.

Warden  says it’s “none of your concern.”

Please call prison at             (254) 865-8431       and urge them to allow kittens to be saved after mom was murdered!

Update: from fb page KathysKitties
1. CALL! Please call             936.437.6318       and POLITELY ask Mr. William Stephens (Deputy Director, Prison & Jail Operations) to urge the Gatesville warden to stop killing TNR cats, and work with the numerous TX animal groups offering to help with Trap-Neuter-Return, adoption of friendly cats/kittens. Fleas are easily treated by sprinkling flea powder on lounging/sleeping areas. Again, be POLITE to Mr. Stephens, he is NOT the warden, but we’re asking him to talk to her about this senseless killing.

2. EMAIL! Write Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott: Ask him to please investigate animal cruelty charges against Gatesville warden Loretta Carmona, to include leaving cats in traps during the severe storms/hail/flooding last Monday night. Guards are documenting cats being left in traps and exposed to the elements without food/water for 18+ hours. Newborn kittens left to starve (see below), intimidating employees who try to help, threats of discriminatory action for speaking out against the warden’s animal cruelty.

3. CALL Gatesville Animal Control             254-865-2226       ask them to stop wasting taxpayer dollars when area animal groups have offered to help the Gatesville prison unit with no-cost Trap-Neuter-Return. Ask them to please check for microchips before destroying the cats, and please let rescue groups pull the eartipped TNR cats at no charge.

4. CALL WARDEN CARMONA at             254-865-8431       and urge her to work with local animal groups that have offered their help, free of charge to the prison, to TNR the remaining cats at no cost to the prison, rehome the friendlier cats, and find homes for the kittens. Remind her that flea issues can be resolved without killing the cats. Tell her she is wasting taxpayer dollars, and the public will not stand for her senseless killing of cats. It’s bad for the prison’s image in Central Texas, and we know what she’s doing!!!

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Comment by Kerry Baker on March 30, 2012 at 19:57

Holise, if you can provide an email address or some way that people outside the USA can send messages, happy to do so.  If this person starts getting messages from international people, it may help.



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