Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

ARZone Podcasts ~ Barbara DeGrande

ARZone Podcasts

Imagine trying to get people from all over the world together at any given time, with each living in a different time zone. Imagine trying to get people, especially animal rights activists, to agree to music, format, or even the proposed topic. Then imagine different technical problems, different audio levels, and different visions, and you may have some idea…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 17, 2011 at 7:36 — No Comments

ARZone Podcast Number One

Welcome to the first podcast from Animal Rights Zone (ARZone). The ARZone team, Carolyn Bailey, Barbara DeGrande, Tim Gier, Jason Ward, and Roger Yates, explain the aims of the podcasts before presenting and discussing extracts from their guest Q&A interview with animal rights philosopher, professor Tom Regan, author of The Case for Animal Rights, Defending Animal Rights and Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 15, 2011 at 17:20 — 2 Comments

Gary Yourofsky ARZone Interview


Gary Yourofsky ARZone Interview



Gary Yourofsky has spoken to thousands of students about our relations with other animals and veganism. Gary's powerful message has been heard by tens of thousands of students in hundreds of middle schools, high schools and universities…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 13, 2011 at 14:00 — 36 Comments

Transcript of Alex Melonas' Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Alex Melonas’ ARZone Live Guest Chat

11 June 2011 at:

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm UK Time and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 12, 2011 at 16:30 — 11 Comments

Professor Tom Regan ~ Additional Replies to Interview Questions

Professor Tom Regan

Additional ARZone Members' Questions

(Addendum to Prof. Regan's Original ARZone…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 10, 2011 at 18:00 — No Comments

Eating Animals May Be Natural But So What? ~ Alex Melonas

We may argue that humans are biologically omnivores therefore it’s natural to eat meat. But just because something is ‘natural’, it doesn’t make it ethical, writes Alex Melonas.


How do you defend eating what and whom you eat? Something like this: While we may wrestle with the…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 9, 2011 at 14:00 — 1 Comment

Australian Live Export ~ A letter from Jeff Perz of the Alice Springs Vegan Society

Extremely graphic images of halal cow slaughter in Indonesia have recently been shown on National TV in Australia, and there has been a giant public outcry to ban the live export of cows to Indonesia. This news report was presented as a regulationist single issue campaign, and was probably planed to be part of a RSPCA/Animals Australia campaign that is currently underway, with TV ads addressing the Prime Minister. There has been a giant public reaction to all of this. I have sent the…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 8, 2011 at 8:23 — 1 Comment

My book is funding an animal charity!

My book, WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE – simple insights for your inspiration & empowerment which is funding a charity, Edgar's Mission is officially released. 

Welcome to Your Life provides insights into taking control of your life. Using examples from my personal life, and from life & executive clients I have coached to success, my experience as a personal development writer, and a professional speaker, I have written a step-by-step…


Added by Ron Prasad on June 7, 2011 at 20:38 — No Comments

Transcript of ARZone Workshop ~ Appraising the Value of Direct Action and Single Issue Campaigns

Transcript of ARZone Workshop

Appraising the Value of Direct Action and Single Issue Campaigns

 4 June 2011

6pm US Eastern…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 6, 2011 at 17:32 — 5 Comments

Tom Regan, Gary Francione and Ingrid Newkirk discuss abolitionism, divisiveness and incrementalism.

Point/Counter Point: A Movement's Means Creates It's Ends. Professors Regan and Francione advocate for abolitionist animal rights and Ingrid Newkirk responds.

Animals' Agenda Magazine Jan/Feb 1992



Added by Carolyn Bailey on June 6, 2011 at 9:00 — No Comments

A Very Short Survey

Would you please take 2 minutes to help me? Please complete this very short 2 question survey (and then share it!!). Thank you!

Click here to take survey

Added by Tim Gier on June 2, 2011 at 0:07 — 2 Comments

ARZone Visitors and Site Traffic - May 2011

As of the end of the day May 31, 2011, ARZone had 1936 members and should surpass 2000 members by the end of June.


During the month of May, according to Google Analytics, the ARZone website (www.ARZone, was visited by 2706 unique visitors from 80 countries across the planet for a total of 6040 visits. Those visits resulted in 16917 total page views.


ARZone is a global social network organization dependent on…


Added by Tim Gier on June 1, 2011 at 22:20 — 1 Comment

Maximum Tolerated Dose

I am so excited about this documentary, and can’t wait for it to be done!

Please support Decipher Films. The more help they get, the quicker the…


Added by Just a Girl on May 30, 2011 at 5:49 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Malgorzata Desmond's Live Arzone Guest Chat

Transcript of Malgorzata Desmond’s Live ARZone Guest Chat

28 May 2011

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm UK Time and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 29, 2011 at 20:06 — 4 Comments

Hi gang, chat and event idea ... for your tech honcho

I was looking at a list of relevant dates for my workplace this week (term dates for my school etc) and found the department of education had a .ics (exchange/ google calendar etc) file I could download to import into my phone and/or computer calendar, in about 3 clicks it imported and set reminders up for 35 events, I imagine it might be possible to set these up to work according to a generic time zone, then if you provided them for workshops and chats people could click to import the event…


Added by Tim Marshall on May 28, 2011 at 19:51 — 3 Comments

Frustration in Action

I wrote a blog post today about how I see the problem of the exploitation of others as one that will not be solved in my lifetime. I don't think of myself as a pessimist, but as a realist. The reality seems to me to be that the kind of radical change our movement seeks can only happen by way of a sweeping cultural awakening. Individuals making…


Added by Tim Gier on May 27, 2011 at 7:00 — 2 Comments

Roger Yates ~ On Human-Nonhuman Relations Podcast

Podcast 13 ARZone’s Tom Regan Week.


Carolyn Bailey, Tim Gier, Jason Ward and I discuss Animal Rights Zone’s “Tom…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 24, 2011 at 11:24 — No Comments

Transcript of ARZone Tom Regan Workshop Part 1

Transcript of ARZone Tom Regan Workshop

21 May 2011 at:

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm UK Time and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 23, 2011 at 13:33 — No Comments

Transcript of ARZone Tom Regan Workshop Part 2

Transcript of ARZone Tom Regan Workshop

21 May 2011 at:

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm UK Time and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 23, 2011 at 13:00 — 7 Comments

What if Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls ~ Tim Gier


slaughterhouse cruelty factory farms

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.” ~ Sir Paul McCartney

There are horrors being committed in our names and for our benefit thousands of times each minute in feed lots, on dairy farms, in processing plants and in slaughterhouses across the globe. If Sir Paul is to be believed, if only we could see these horrors as they…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on May 17, 2011 at 8:43 — No Comments

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Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) is an animal rights site. As such, it is the position of ARZone that it is only by ending completely the use of other animal as things can we fulfill our moral obligations to them.

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Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) exists to help educate vegans and non-vegans alike about the obligations human beings have toward all other animals.

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