Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (692)

Call For Aid: Activist Friends - Please be discreet

Please Assist or Pass this along to qualified parties: Seeking trace-route documentation on IP addresses (including geographical locations) of Naysayers and Trolls: Please see comments attached to the article here.I suspect the attacks on me are originating from certain local establishments and would like to…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 6, 2012 at 1:31 — No Comments

Assistance Needed: Homeless man finds inspiration through activism

My dear friends,

During the last incident involving the homeless in Rome, Georgia, you made the article in the Rome News-Tribune the “Most Commented Upon” issue for the week. Of course, you had some help.

As I have always said, “Controversy turns a mere subject into an issue.” The naysayers are at it again.…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 4, 2012 at 1:00 — No Comments

Is this world ruled by violence?

Yale University Professor of History Timothy Snyder reviews Steven Pinker's new book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why violence has declined.

According to Snyder, Pinker's libertarian bent contributes to a basic flaw in his analysis: he "overlooks the crucial relationship between…


Added by Tim Gier on January 3, 2012 at 2:40 — 2 Comments

Celebrating This Beautiful Earth ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

To me, the greatest joy and sense of wonder flows from opening to the beauty, power, intricacy, and magnificent abundance of our Earth. Swimming in lakes and streams, wandering through forests and mountains, snorkeling around coral reefs, watching birds, fish, and other animals soaring, darting, and celebrating their lives, camping in remote…

Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 22, 2011 at 14:00 — No Comments

Transcript of Prof. Priscilla Cohn's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Prof. Priscilla Cohn’s Live ARZone Guest Chat

17 December 2011

5pm US Eastern Time

10pm UK Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 18, 2011 at 18:30 — 6 Comments

The Ethics of the Ecology of Fear against the Nonspeciesist Paradigm: A Shift in the Aims of Intervention in Nature - by Oscar Horta

The Ethics of the Ecology of Fear against the

Nonspeciesist Paradigm:

A Shift in the Aims of Intervention in Nature

by Professor Oscar…


Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on December 15, 2011 at 7:00 — 6 Comments

Animal Exploitation as a Centuries-old ‘Trail of Tears’

Recently I’ve been viewing an impressive 8-disc historical documentary series (produced by Octapixx and narrated by James Earl Jones) entitled “The American West.” Discs 3 and 4 of the series cover the infamous “Trail of Tears” experienced by the Cherokee and other tribes of Native Americans. As a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 under President Andrew Jackson, thousands of indians were snatched from their homes and forcibly marched some 800 miles…


Added by Paul Hansen on December 14, 2011 at 19:30 — No Comments

Transcript of Joshua Harper's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Josh Harper’s ARZone Live Guest Chat

10 December 2011

5pm US Eastern Time

10pm UK Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 14, 2011 at 15:11 — 1 Comment

Did You Know That Your Vacation Can Change the World? (Even with an umbrella drink in your hand!)

If you’re like me while on vacation, you turn off the smartphone, avoid watching all that dreary news coverage or reading depressing newspapers, and instead grab a juicy paperback novel (Grisham? Kellerman?) to enjoy under a palapa near the gorgeous blue of Caribbean waters. Work? Forget about it. Guilt? What’s that? Saving the environment? Maybe next trip.

What would you…


Added by Diana Webster on December 12, 2011 at 1:30 — No Comments

"The Abolitionist Approach" Is Not Fit For Purpose. ~ Dr. Roger Yates

In a recent very interesting Facebook discussion, Tim Gier wrote (in part, and perhaps it is unfair to extract this out - but I'm gonna anyway!), “I don’t accept that the property status of other animals necessarily entails harm towards them.” 

[I began to write a response to Tim’s observation for the FB discussion - but then realised that I was writing a blog entry, so that is why I have decided to post it here instead. In addition, I have not written a blog entry for a while,…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 5, 2011 at 17:43 — No Comments

Being Vegan is Difficult ~ Tim Gier

Being vegan is difficult, and if it is going to mean anything, and result in anything, then it must be difficult.…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 4, 2011 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Does Hunting Justify Culling?

Ordinarily, those who are concerned about animal ethics or animal welfare would instead ask, “Does culling justify hunting?”—In other words, “Does the need to curtail overpopulation in a species justify killing them (even from helicopters!) in large numbers to ensure their own survival and that of their prey?” This is a fair question, and one that requires careful consideration by conservation biologists.

However, if the political propaganda of hunting lobbyists (and of course gun…


Added by Paul Hansen on December 1, 2011 at 11:00 — No Comments

Is Trophy Hunting a Sport and a Harvest?

There is no doubt that the gun culture is replete with euphemisms. Terms such as “sport”, “harvest”, “game”, and “livestock” grace the rhetoric of those who want to subdue animals and gather trophies of victory and dominance with impunity. 

To ask if hunting is analogous to either a sport or a harvest is often to evoke passionate debate between animal lovers and “arms-bearing” traditionalists. Certainly, an argument can be made for the taking of “livestock” in the wild by hunters…


Added by Paul Hansen on December 1, 2011 at 11:00 — No Comments

Invasion of the Movement Snatchers ~ Humane Myth/James LaVeck

Invasion of the Movement Snatchers: A Social Justice Cause Falls Prey to the Doctrine of “Necessary Evil”


We should be concerned that today's animal movement so closely resembles the vision of moral compromise, division and debilitation put…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 30, 2011 at 19:00 — No Comments

Killing Animals That Don't Fit In: Moral Dimensions of Habitat Restoration - by Jo-Ann Shelton.

"I am not suggesting that we abandon our desire to conserve other species, but rather that we develop a system of values which would accommodate the interests of all animals, not just those to which we choose to give preference in our own particular decade or century.

The reasons for shooting bison and shooting feral sheep are similar in that both species were targeted for eradication because they violated our idea of what a particular landscape should look like, and our preference…


Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on November 26, 2011 at 21:37 — 2 Comments

Transcript of Dylan Powell's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Dylan Powell’s ARZone Live Guest Chat

19 November 2011

5pm US Eastern Time

10pm UK Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 20, 2011 at 20:00 — No Comments

Grassroots and Ideas - Roots Forms of Activism ~ David Sztybel

Introduction: My Grassroots Activism


I’ve been a vegan animal rights activist for more than 23 years now and am still. I was co-founder and organizer with University of Toronto Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and long-time activist with groups including Canadian Vegans for Animal…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 18, 2011 at 15:07 — No Comments

Empowering the Individual: Personal, Stealth, and Online Advocacy

New blog post by ARRNT; a vegan abolitionist group in North Texas!  Taken from here:


Hello there ARRNT and fellow supporters!  I’d like to take a moment and speak with you about what you can do, as individuals, to benefit other animals today!  Activist groups should be encouraged because of the camraderie and cooperation they bring, but it is, of course, always still important to realize…


Added by Adam Little on November 16, 2011 at 14:57 — No Comments

The Five Universal Taboos and Animal Use ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

Built-in Fairness Meters

The more biologists and psychologists delve into understanding innate behavioral drives, the more they find that we humans seem to be hard-wired to be highly sensitive to fairness in social interactions. Interestingly, this universal taboo against unfairness in human relationships is also…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 16, 2011 at 13:00 — No Comments

Where to go from here ...

Many years ago, my brother in law was diagnosed with bone cancer. As he was laying on the operating table waiting to be put under for a mid thigh amputation, he tried selling the surgeon his financial services. Today, he's still just as passionate about what he does. I was always envious that he'd found his purpose ... he had a raison d'etre ... something that lit him up and kept him interested day after day after day. Not all that long ago, I realized *this* is my raison…


Added by Lisa V on November 13, 2011 at 15:46 — 2 Comments

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