Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

Wayne Pacelle and I Agree ~ Gary Francione

Dear Colleagues:

For many years now, I have been arguing that the large animal protection groups are, for the most part, partners with institutional exploiters and are, in effect, lobbying arms of the food industry. They do not challenge animal…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 8, 2011 at 16:30 — 31 Comments

Brisbane, Byron Bay & Sunshine Coast Vigil for Dolphins of Taiji, Japan (Worldwide Day of Action)

Brisbane Vigil for Dolphins of Taiji, Japan (Worldwide Day of Action)

When? 4pm Friday 14 January

Where? Japanese Consulate, 12 Creek Street, Brisbane

What? Peaceful vigil, banner holding, and leafletting to public in front on consulate in support of Worldwide Day of Action

Why? As concerned individuals around the world we are calling on Japan to stop the slaughter of dolphins and instead call for a sanctuary or ecotourism area to be set… Continue

Added by Vegan Warrior on January 7, 2011 at 14:19 — 1 Comment

Thinking Critically About The Animals We Use

In a new blog post, Mary Martin, PhD links to a new…


Added by Tim Gier on January 7, 2011 at 11:20 — 4 Comments

Stop Live Exports - Donations of Prizes needed - Can you help?

Happy New Year! 

Can you help us by donating a prize or voucher for our 2011 fundraising activities?

To support our campaign initiatives, we are holding a raffle in March, and a quiz night in July this year.  If you can donate any items towards either of these fundraisers, it would be much…

Added by Vegan Warrior on January 6, 2011 at 12:14 — 3 Comments


Are you aware that palm oil is found everywhere, in such things as biscuits and soap, and thousands of products some of you probably eat, thinking it's OK as it's not an animal product.....

but in my opinion, vegans should never eat or use any product containing palm oil, as palm trees are grown on deforested land, and that land is the territory of the orang utans, who are killed for palm poil production. I personally always…


Added by blackpanther on January 4, 2011 at 22:30 — 5 Comments

The Animal Rights Movement: Time for a Major Shift

The Animal Rights Movement: Time for a Major Shift 

Backfire: the movement’s mistakes have failed…


Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on January 4, 2011 at 18:47 — 89 Comments

Coming together

Today I have been looking through various AR groups on fb etc and see they all have a similar thread. Disagreement!

I do believe that debate is healthy but talking never saved a single life. In the time it takes to argue your point, you could have signed ten petitions, made phone calls, wrote to some ARPs.

I hope that 2011 brings some real harmony amongst the groups and that the larger organizations can start working together more and that as a movement, we can come together, draw up… Continue

Added by Sam Reynolds on January 4, 2011 at 2:30 — 13 Comments

Spirited Woman Feature - Vegan Warrior


Added by Vegan Warrior on January 2, 2011 at 14:57 — No Comments

AR Zone. Bringing about change?

Today I feel excited.......I feel excited by the possibilities and opportunities that AR zone offers to our movement.

One of our greatest problems is that there are millions of "animal" groups around the world and our message and resources are stretched to their limit. ARA's argue with ARA's, Vegans argue with vegetarians etc but our core beliefs are the same.

As a movement, we must come together, fight together, put our human differences aside and bring about change. I feel excited… Continue

Added by Sam Reynolds on January 2, 2011 at 9:10 — 6 Comments

Oh My God, These Vegans ... ~ Prof. Gary Francione

Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.

In the ongoing debate between those who promote the abolitionist approach and those who promote the welfarist approach, some of the welfarists

claim that they support veganism so there is, in reality, little

difference between the two approaches on the matter…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 1, 2011 at 0:00 — 6 Comments

Transcript of Dr. Will Tuttle's ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Dr. Will Tuttle's Guest Chat of 9 January 2010 at:

3pm US Pacific Time

6pm US Eastern

11pm UK Time

and 10 January 2010 at:

9am Australian Eastern Standard Time



Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 30, 2010 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Noone ever asks why? ~ Cameron Blewett

Sitting back watching TV tonight Channel 10 was doing a little bit of heavy promotion for their 2011 News and Current Affairs line up. George Negus came on to give us a little promo of what he will be doing regarding the new lineup.

The thing that got me interested in what he was saying was one simple statement that he made. Now the quote isn’t exactly verbatim, though the general gist of it should be ok. He said something along the lines of He asks the 1 question that other reporters…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 29, 2010 at 7:30 — 3 Comments

Forums, Frustrations and Friends ~ Tim Gier

I ventured into another forum not that long ago to meet and talk with others about veganism and animal rights.  My involvement didn’t last all that long.  Maybe I ought to just accept that forums and… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 29, 2010 at 7:00 — 1 Comment

Is Abolition Intuitively Odd??

In the new book, Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation, Co-author Professor Robert Garner says this:…


Added by Tim Gier on December 28, 2010 at 1:39 — No Comments

Transcript of ARZone Christmas Day Open Forum


ARZone Open Forum Transcript

25 December 2010 at:…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 26, 2010 at 21:30 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Jose Valle's ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Jose Valle’s ARZone Guest Chat

18 December 2010 at:

2pm US Pacific Time

5pm US Eastern Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 19, 2010 at 19:30 — 1 Comment

Vegans Against PETA


People are asking me what's up with the Vegan's Against Peta thing, as my primary Facebook profile image.

Thank you for your interest.

I apologize for any lack of clarity, and I will attempt to explain.

This will be an overview of *some* of the reasons PETA is lacking.

Let me make clear, I have no particular beef with PETA.

I'm not here to focus my energy on PETA'S shortcomings.

My focus is Vegan… Continue

Added by Douglass on December 17, 2010 at 22:30 — 6 Comments

‘How Long …?’ Revisited ~ Ronnie Lee

Veteran animal liberationist Ronnie Lee looks back at an article he wrote 35 years ago.

In 1975 I wrote a review, entitled ‘How Long Shall These Things Be?’, of Richard D. Ryder’s book Victims of Science for Peace News…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 16, 2010 at 11:00 — 1 Comment

An Unequal Right to Life – by Joan Dunayer, New-Speciesist Philosophy, SPECIESISM pages 94 – 98

An Unequal Right to Life – by Joan Dunayer, New-Speciesist Philosophy, Speciesism, pages 94 – 98

Pluhar doesn’t accord all sentient beings – or even all mammals and birds – an equal right to life, She writes, “It is morally preferable for a human to kill and eat a fish than to slaughter and barbecue a chicken (let alone a calf, a monkey, or another human). It is also better to eat clams than fish.” Especially given that a calf’s remains will feed a human…


Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on December 15, 2010 at 20:30 — 1 Comment

Abolition of Animal Exploitation: The Journey Will Not Begin While We Are Walking Backwards ~ Gary L. Francione

In The Longest Journey Begins with a Single Step: Promoting Animal Rights by Promoting Reform (, Peter Singer and PETA's Bruce Friedrich claim that an "odd" controversy has developed in "recent years" about whether animal advocates ought to pursue animal welfare as a means to achieve animal rights. This controversy is…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 15, 2010 at 10:05 — No Comments

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