Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

Transcript of Alex Pacheco's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Alex Pacheco's ARZone Guest Chat

9 April 2011 at:

6pm US Eastern Time

11pm GMT and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on April 10, 2011 at 16:30 — 7 Comments

On Fighting for "Animal Rights" by Mary Martin

"Being featured on ARZone's worldwide Live Guest Chat has reinvigorated my thinking about a couple of topics (here's the transcript). And then I read the "OMG!!!!!OED!!!!!LOL!!!!!" in today's New York Times, and I couldn't resist posting.

A couple of years ago I wrote about whether it's a good use of my time to be a purist about the term "animal rights" when most of the world doesn't have…


Added by Tim Gier on April 6, 2011 at 3:28 — No Comments

Transcript of Dr. Mary Martin's ARZone Live Guest Chat

Transcript of Dr. Mary Martin’s ARZone Live Guest Chat

2 April 2011 at:

3pm US Pacific Time

6pm US Eastern Time…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on April 3, 2011 at 16:30 — 5 Comments

Veganacious at Two ~ Barbara DeGrande

As our children grow and develop–whether human or nonhuman–we tend to celebrate their landmarks. So, too, with our online babies – and this blog has required all the time and attention any other new life requires. On our first birthday, we promised a new website, which is now up and running, although still in the preliminary…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on April 3, 2011 at 7:46 — No Comments

The Cove "What More Can I do?"

For those that have asked me this question, there are many answers. You can spend five minutes a day online and make a real impact or you can spend hours. The choice is yours. If you are looking to get out and be more active, there are organizations that you can support. Handing out fliers and attending rallies are just a couple of things…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on March 31, 2011 at 19:00 — 2 Comments

Rob Johnson: Can't Handle the Truth ~ Tim Gier

Some time ago, Rob Johnson wrote a criticism of ARZone which, given my experience with Rob’s previous critiques of ARZone and of things I have written, I chose to ignore. (I reproduced the entire post below, and added my comments where appropriate.) In the last day or so, in another venue, Rob has taken me to task for ignoring his post about ARZone, as he thinks it represents something of a damning indictment of that site and its methodology. Therefore, I will take the time now to respond to…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 28, 2011 at 11:00 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Dr. Will Tuttle's ARZone Live Guest Chat (2011)

Transcript of Dr. Will Tuttle’s Live ARZone Guest Chat

26 March 2011 at:

3pm US Pacific Time

6pm US Eastern…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 27, 2011 at 16:30 — 3 Comments

Let's Adopt! being sued

Let’s Adopt! made a campaign asking people to write the major in Sincan, Turkey about dogs being abused, raped and killed right beside their building, making them aware of the issue and asking them to do something about it.

This is not a one time incident. Turkey is known for treating animals badly and not doing anything about the…


Added by Just a Girl on March 27, 2011 at 2:02 — 1 Comment

The Milk Letter: a Message to My Patients

A letter we all should read:

The Milk Letter by Robert M. Kradijan, MD

Added by Just a Girl on March 27, 2011 at 1:59 — No Comments

70 Dolphins to Swim Free Thanks to Famous Rescuer [Ric O'Barry]

About 70 captive bottle-nose dolphins are awaiting release back into the wide open sea thanks to the efforts of two animal care institutions under the supervision of international dolphin trainer-turned-rescuer Richard O’Barry. 

Jakarta Animal Aid Network and the Earth Island Institute have built a 90-square-meter sea pen in Karimun Jawa National Park — the world’s largest for a dolphin rehabilitation program — to house the aquatic mammals temporarily before releasing them back into…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 26, 2011 at 17:00 — 2 Comments

"Rights, Wrongs, and The Golden Rule"

When we were just youngsters, our parents helped most of us learn the difference between right and wrong.
We learned that what was “right” was generally in accord with morality, justice, law, propriety, and the common good, for example.
On the other hand, our parents taught us that what was “wrong” was generally about immorality, injustice, illegality, impropriety, and the common bad (to coin a new phrase).
As we were growing up, our thought processes were…

Added by Craig Cline on March 26, 2011 at 6:15 — No Comments

VegInspiration: Vegan Values ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

I can reach now. by baalands.

Veganism is the essential healing force that our culture desperately needs, because the mentality of domination that starts on our plates reverberates through our various cultural institutions as authoritarianism, oppression, and violence. Healing this mentality…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 21, 2011 at 17:14 — No Comments

Transcript of Prof. Oscar Horta's Live ARZone Guest Chat ~ Part 1

Transcript of Prof. Oscar Horta’s ARZone Guest Chat

19 March 2011 at:

6pm US Eastern

10pm GMT and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 20, 2011 at 19:30 — No Comments

Transcript of Prof. Oscar Horta's Live ARZone Guest Chat ~ Part 2

Transcript of Prof. Oscar Horta’s ARZone Guest Chat

19 March 2011 at:

6pm US Eastern

10pm GMT and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 20, 2011 at 19:30 — 5 Comments

Changing to Earth Friendly Animal Friendly Products Part 2

To continue my post on making changes.  Slowly but surely I am making my household eco-friendly and animal friendly.    Last blog I wrote about switching to a "friendly"  laundry detergent.  


I have now tried a Laundry detergent called ECOS.  An earth friendly, animal friendly product.  Website .....    …


Added by Dawn Groth on March 20, 2011 at 13:30 — 1 Comment

Who are We? ~ Tim Gier

It is an accident of nature that we are here alone, if we can think that we are alone at all, as if humankind are the only “we” who matter.

There was a time, and not that long ago, when other hairless apes walked the earth beside us, sharing the same places, living similar lives, fearing the same fates. It’s mere chance that we, the “wise man”,Homo sapiens, survived…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 18, 2011 at 14:18 — No Comments

Bruce Friedrich Additional Chat Questions

Bruce Friedrich Additional ARZone Chat Replies

At the completion of Bruce's recent ARZone Live Guest Chat there were a number of outstanding questions, which…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 17, 2011 at 18:00 — 10 Comments

Transcript of Kari Bagnall's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Kari Bagnall’s Live ARZone Chat

12 March 2011 at:

5pm US Eastern

10pm GMT and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 13, 2011 at 13:30 — 4 Comments

Interview with Donald Watson ~ December 2002

Vegan Means would like to express appreciation to George D Rodger, both for conducting this interview in the first place, and for subsequently making it available for others to read and enjoy. If you find and wish to copy this page, please know that while George has offered it to the public sphere, it would be appreciated if you would note its source as George D Rodger, chair of the Vegan Society, and that it was…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 11, 2011 at 8:30 — No Comments

Professor Richard Ryder ARZone Interview

Professor Richard Ryder ARZone Interview


Professor Richard D. Ryder is a British psychologist and longtime advocate for nonhuman animals. He is the author of several books, including Victims of Science (1975), Animal Revolution: Changing Attitudes Towards Speciesism (2000) Painism: A Modern Morality…

Added by Carolyn Bailey on March 9, 2011 at 10:00 — 8 Comments

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