Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

Animals As Pets ~ Lee Hall


Lee Hall is legal director for the North American group Friends of Animals. The 11th annual London Vegan Festival was held on Sunday, 7 September 2008 at Kensington Town Hall.

Footnotes have been added to this transcript for readers’ further information.

Participants were…

Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 15, 2010 at 19:30 — No Comments

Transcript of Robin Lane's ARZone Guest Chat of 13/14 November 2010

Transcript of Robin Lane’s ARZone Guest Chat…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 14, 2010 at 16:00 — No Comments

The Sanctuary that Wasn't

Recently, I became deeply concerned about an event that came to my attention, the “World Animal Day” held at Edgar’s Mission in…


Added by Mark Jordan on November 12, 2010 at 12:00 — 9 Comments

Beastly Behavior

I belong to Mercy For Animals and I just received this article It also has a video and pictures(NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN)

Added by Flor De Oro Cabrera on November 11, 2010 at 12:18 — 2 Comments

Raw Robin by Robin Lane

Raw Robin

by Robin Lane…


Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on November 8, 2010 at 22:20 — 3 Comments

Robin Lane Interview ~ Abolitionist-Online


Robin Lane has inspired many to veganism and activism. He himself has a rich and varied animal rights background in animal rights, veganism and

animal liberation. He is an ex ALF Press officer, he has organised vegan

theatre and vegan stalls on the street and is co-founder of…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 8, 2010 at 7:22 — No Comments

Animal curelty in Mexico

My father (Antemio Maya Pindter) in Mexico runs a dog shelter and a campaign against dog cruelty and animal rights. He has been nominated as one of 20 people that can be selected as “an Exceptional Mexican”.

His work is difficult in a country whose culture doesn’t necessarily see and protect animals…


Added by Katya Galbis on November 8, 2010 at 1:23 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Shaun Monson's ARZone Guest Chat of 6/7 November 2010

Transcript of Shaun Monson’s ARZone Guest Chat…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 7, 2010 at 16:00 — No Comments

Remembering Dungeon Lane ~ Roger Yates

I attended a Vegan Ireland film show last night. About 25 people watched The Emotional Life of Farm Animals

and there was a lively discussion afterwards about the meaning of "free range," vegetarianism and veganism, and whether it would be ethical to eat eggs laid by… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on November 6, 2010 at 8:30 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Priscilla Feral's ARZone Guest Chat of 30/31 October 2010

Transcript of Priscilla Feral’s ARZone Guest Chat…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 31, 2010 at 16:30 — 14 Comments

Boycotting Boycotts

The following is an adaptation of something I wrote in March of this year in response to a proposed boycott of the State of Alaska. Friends of…


Added by Tim Gier on October 31, 2010 at 12:03 — 8 Comments

“Humane” Wounding and Killing - by Joan Dunayer, Victims Mistaken for Game, Animal Equality: Language and Liberation, pages 45 - 48

Understatements and outright lies conceal hunting’s cruelty. Hunters don’t “always” shoot with “perfect” skill, hunting spokesman Jim Posewitz says. Hunters routinely fail to kill cleanly. They aim too low or too far back. They shoot birds so birds so distant that shotgun pellets lack sufficient force to kill on impact. They fire at mammals who are running or are partly concealed. On one Tennessee hunt, a European wild boar cornered by dogs suffered hits from at least five…

Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on October 26, 2010 at 18:30 — 2 Comments

Open rescue of five hens from a farm with 160,000 animals in Spain.

Open rescue of five hens from a farm with 160,000 animals in Spain.

by Animal Equality on Monday, 25 October 2010 at 16:14

Animal Equality activists have rescued five hens from a farm…


Added by Kate✯GO VEGAN+NOBODY GETS HURT Ⓥ on October 26, 2010 at 1:21 — No Comments

Priscilla Feral Interview ~ Abolitionist-Online


Tell us about "Dining With Friends" Priscilla. It's a truly terrific vegan cookbook that you and Lee Hall have put together. How did it come about, how did you choose the recipes and who did the test tasting?…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 25, 2010 at 12:00 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Bob Linden's ARZone Guest Chat ~ 23/24 October 2010

Transcript of Bob Linden’s ARZone Guest Chat

23 October 2010…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 24, 2010 at 15:30 — No Comments

Veganism as a Minimum Standard of Decency

In discussions with non-vegans – particularly non-vegans on the Internet who are familiar with the assertions of both the vegan animal rights movement and the assertions of the countermovement – the issue of

“drawing the line” is often raised as a sort of objection to veganism. While it’s true that vegans avoid a lot of harm, so the argument goes, vegans also indirectly cause a lot of harm: animals are killed by crop

harvesters and…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 22, 2010 at 7:30 — No Comments

Bruce Friedrich Debates Bruce Friedrich's Monster ~ Al Nowatzki

I’m going to start this post with a disclaimer of sorts. I generally don’t write about animal rights theory on this blog unless it relates to my family. Though I frequently read animal rights books, blogs and consider myself well versed on animal rights theory, this blog is about raising my kids. So I don’t tend to focus on theory too much. Also, there are others who articulate animal rights theory much better than I do, and I feel that what I… Continue

Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 19, 2010 at 17:30 — No Comments

"GO VEGAN" with Bob Linden ~ Abolitionist-Online Interview with Claudette Vaughn

Abolitionist: What’s the aetiology of veganism in a insane world Bob?

Bob: I don’t think that the world is so insane; it’s just the behaviour of its human inhabitants that is. The world is a

beautiful, abundant, colorful, sensual, life-sustaining and supportive

Garden of Eden, currently uncomfortably enduring and trembling from the

temporary insanity of human(un)kind’s…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 18, 2010 at 10:05 — No Comments

Transcript of Harold Brown's ARZone Guest Chat of 16/17 October 2010

Transcript of Harold Brown’s ARZone Guest Chat

16 October…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 17, 2010 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

Fight For Animal Rights, Not Welfare ~ Katrina Fox

Birds in wooden cages

Imagine you’ve been kidnapped. You find yourself in a tiny cell, with other people, barely enough room to turn around.

At some point, after your captors have taken what they need from you while you’re alive, you’re aware that they plan to kill you. You’ve heard the terrified screams of fellow captives as they have been led to their…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on October 16, 2010 at 8:00 — 9 Comments

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