Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Loro Parque photos I got are in pubic domain by Anna Zinonos volunteer

Animals monitored by cctv and behind thin cables, birds in cages, this is the ''heaven'' of Loro Parque in Tenerife which I visited in 2012.

Public Domain PIcs of Loro Parque Tenerife

 Hi I am Anna Zinonos the visitor and photographer of these photos here.

These photos I took on my own visit to Loro Parque some years ago.

This blog update is to say that I release them to public domain. You can use them for (hopefully) antizoo campaigns and such.

Some of them show how animals are monitored by cctv and by thin cables so that there is no ugly image of a ''zoo'' with cages, yet the birds are in real ugly cages.

The quality of the pictures is not good as I took them with a small compact camera. I was bothered in the orca tank ''not to take photos'' and i was rushed away and had to hide my camera. The rest of Loro Parque was easy to photo without employees yelling at me to stop taking photos. This only happened around the orca tank and the dolphin tank also.

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Comment by Anna Zinonos on November 29, 2021 at 8:52



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