Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

In this interview we were delighted to welcome Farrah Rainfly back to ARZone.

Farrah is one of the founding directors of Life after Hummus Community Benefit Society, a BME-Led London-based social enterprise who are on a mission to pioneer nutrition and lifestyle intervention solutions for a changing health and care landscape to improve the physical and mental health of the public and reduce health inequalities, tackle food poverty and reduce social isolation, whilst operating within an intersectional framework.

Currently on a weekly basis they offer FREE Food Waste Prevention Cooking Club Socials, attended by 30 participants each week. They guide them to prepare healthy vegan dishes in their hands-on nutrition and cooking classes, normalising the act of cooking. At the heart of what they do is a simple motto: Health is a RIGHT and not a privilege.

Farrah will be presenting at Vegfest UK Brighton this year, addressing healthy eating on a vegan diet, and avoiding common pitfalls, and joined us to discuss that, as well as her other outstanding work.

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