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Fishermen Reel in Giant Whale Shark

Fishermen in Pakistan have reeled in a dead 12m whale shark which they found floating off the coast of the port city of Karachi.

PHOTOS: Fishermen reel in giant whale shark

It took several cranes four hours to pull the seven-tonne fish ashore as hundreds of onlookers gazed on at Karachi Harbour, Pakistan's Express-Tribunereported.

"It was dead when my men found it," boat owner Muhammad Yousuf said.

Fisheries dealer Qasim Niazi bought the shark for 200,000 rupees (A$2000), and plans to charge viewers to see it at a local auction house.

Karachi Fish Harbour Authority officials say the shark's fins could then be sold in China, where they are considered a delicacy.

Shark liver oil is also used to make special medicines and lubricate the bottom of boats.

While considered a threatened rather than endangered creature, the size of whale sharks means they are not particularly common.

The largest fish in the world, they are a protected species under Australian law.

The gentle giants are not known to harm humans and eat mostly plankton.

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This article constantly refers to this whale shark as "it". It's so disappointing to hear any individual referred to as an "it". I think it perpetuates the notion that other animals are mere property and serve little purpose but to serve humans. 

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