Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

In this new series of ARZone interviews, working with Vegfest UK we were very excited to begin the series with our special guest, Trent Grassian.

Trent is a full-time researcher who has spent over a decade working in the fields of anti-racism, LGBTQIA+ liberation, disability rights, and animal advocacy. He recently completed a PhD in Social Policy examining vegan, vegetarian, and even reducetarian transitioners participating in UK-based campaigns, entitled: ‘A New Way of Eating: Creating Meat Reducers, Vegetarians, and Vegans’. He also helps run London Vegan Voices.

Trent joined us to discuss his research, what we have to look forward to at Vegfest this year, and his work in general.

To listen to the interview please CLICK HERE

For the Facebook group, London Vegan Voices:​ 

Trent's Research:​   

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