Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

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Following the contact information below, are some comments, and the article is in the editing stages... would you comment, also, please? Thanks!!!


This article was written by: Janine Bronson email addresses: either to or --- your feedback is welcome!


Comments: In the long run, and on the global scale, veganism is the only sustainable lifestyle. Most wars are over resources. If we indulge in an unsustainable lifestyle, we are causing war. So veganism is a necessary ingredient for peace. ~~~ Anthony Marr (from Canada).


Criticism (from (L.) Aubrey Pitnigoff, from Los Angeles, CA, USA):

Instead of just writing coldly "Part 1" or "Impressions of the Meeting", magazine writers have a large letter at the beginning of a section(which is really just another paragraph with a giant letter as the first letter of the paragraph) instead of any formal(cold) indication- as in a college thesis. You can also tell that you are dealing with a new section by the noticeable change in tone. Thus, what you end up with in the average magazine article are several facets that explore different perspectives on the subject. As I noted, you seem to have about 5 discreet elements to your article. I would suggest just writing a catchy prologue about why/how have hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, and then saying something for "Part 1"(Impressions of the Meeting") such as: "It was a bright Jerusalem day as I got off the bus and walked towards..." For Part 2 (The Leaders), you can start with: "There was something I felt in their presence; something more than the sum of their parts..." For Part 3 (Peace and War, extremism, moderation, religion and secular) you can start with... etc. etc. This makes it so much easier for yourself and the reader. So by the time you get to the challenging poem at the end, people will have gone through 4 facets of hope, and won't think that peace is a pipe dream meant for a Pollyanna, as they may suspect you of being.

Try going to any quality magazine and see how this is done. I don't see how the average article writer can do it any other way. It really makes writing magazine articles fun/poetic (you want to cast a spell over the reader). That's what the article writer is trying to do; and it can--and should--be done, without any formal headings (a thesis in college is different than a magazine article. One tries to cast a spell; the other tries to end a spell [i.e.: to be objective]). Have a ball and let yourself go. P.S.: Five parts make a quintessence. Quintessence means "fifth essence"- the proper number of facets for dealing with a [hot, human] subject (a la Chumash).

P.P.S.: Put what moves you most in the prologue in the most explicit way, then in the remaining five segments, reflect this throughout the five elements. You are not writing a boring article; you are writing yourself/your heart/soul; and hopefully this passion will become theirs. It's the only way it can- through passion/heart/soul. I learned veganism not through books, but through you --- as I witnessed, whenever I stood up (a couple of times, at least) in front of the vegan groups giving you credit for your positive living attitude, as you may remember.


Randy Shoostine writes: I read through your article and I liked it. Some feedback: I would like to hear more about how vegan diet ties into all religions. (The common thread). ---Randy


Praise: (from Diana Cass, from London, England)

This Peace-Making article is very interesting, one has to of course want to be part of the Shalom that is offered here. Knowing the thoughts of all cultures and religions is of course important in this. A very good although not perhaps unique concept, the way the article is written brings up a lot of exciting and new pointers. I personally, like the first and middle parts more than the later which seemed to be a little pressurizing to learn about the different faiths, there might be a way to learn to love everybody and come to peace just within ones own trust and consideration and understanding as psychotherapists convey to their patients, as people who live in a happy and friendly cocoon and know of only good.

Again, it is an excellent and well written article on the subject. --- Diana

Hi, Who are you?


Sharing compassion in a unique new way – creating the urgency to spread peace and love worldwide through self-examination, may we dare ask: "Who are you?"

In these times, when violence, corruption, fighting and terror cause so much stress, how can we begin to make a difference, and hope to achieve peace? Perhaps we could succeed in this task, little-by-little, through our being willing to continue to spread compassion; "Are you willing to consider this question, too?" How would you, possibly as a seeker of peace, go about realizing this? Perhaps you would be experiencing, or feeling, another one's pain? Are you truly a compassionate person yet, as well?


Think, for a moment, are you not already being called a compassionate being, by your friends? The good news, is no matter where we are in life, we can constantly become more active in our growing renewal, re-birth and realizations! We are not static; we are developing further. We can help one another in this tour. Come join us soon, won't you?


We begin a new journey --- it is 3rd May, 2011, Tuesday morning, bright and early, as we embark on our very first tour in a series of blessed weekly peacemaking efforts, to meet face-to-face with some of the Abrahamic faiths of Jerusalem : Judaism; Islam; and Christianity. Will it catch on fast? Will more and more people decide to participate? Possibly individuals who are Druze? (Duruz). also well known for their compassion? Can you promote this event as well? What do you have to gain from participating in it?




From left to right: Chaim Cohen, Ibrahim Ahmad Abu El-Hawa, a visiting Hasid from Monsey , New York , USA , Eliyahu McLean, and Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bukhari


Perhaps gain some inspiration from some of the wise mystics participating in these friendly gatherings, giving their interesting lectures during the tour? These chiefs or spiritual guides would include spiritual leaders, such as: a Rabbi or Reb, or Rebbie; a Muslim, an Imam or a Shikh; a Christian Priest, or Pastor, Friar, Rabban, or Monk, or maybe in the future, even a Pope!


The gathering begins by meeting first at 67 HaNevi'im St., Davidka Square , inside the lobby of the Abraham Hostel. What we hoped to gain from the tour is to experience a deeper understanding of Jerusalem , while being given the opportunity to explore the hidden teachings of wisdom, from each tradition, and reflect on what it means to oneself.


What does this mean to you? What words fleet through your mind? Each week's journey will be unique, meeting with: rabbis from liberal to ultra-Orthodox, leaders of one of the Christian churches, Sufi teachers or mainstream Muslim Imams, in the context of their own community.


Are you already mysteriously moved by the habits of various lifestyle notions? Sharing concepts, thinking about words that have critical connotations, such as: Peace, Parve, (neither dairy nor meat) Neutral, Vegan, Kosher, Halal, Middle-Ground, Vegetarian, Wasatia, Ecological, Natural, Environmental, Conservation, Green, Wholeness, Legacy, Breatharianism (or Inedia), Liquidarian, Fruitarian, Mediator, Shalom, Salaam, Jerusalem ?!? What is YOUR passion? Do you fit in? Since no two beings, even identical twins can be exactly the same, don't worry…


We are always accepting of any individual, and try to be as accommodating as possible to your dietary needs. Please dress modestly, and be considerate, especially by keeping low voices (only whisper at times, if walking through chambers, where religious ceremonies are taking place) and be respectful and sensitive to the traditions of all of the  participants. Act appropriately: such as not smoking; and turn off all mobile phones, games, etc., when requested.


Each week will commence by all of the participants meeting at the Abraham Hostel, promptly at 9AM. Then, we shall proceed by taxi to meet the leaders in their respective communities in areas such as the Old City, Meah She'arim, and East Jerusalem. Tour cost: NIS 120 [subject to change] which includes transportation, though not lunch.


Eliyahu McLean, the Radash, Rodef Shalom, Seeker of Peace, who co-founded the Jerusalem Peace Makers led this organized peace tour this past Tuesday 3rd May, 2011, and introduced us to the notion that: “It takes two wings to fly. Right and left!”

The first person we met on our tour after beginning to get rolling, was Mohammad S. Dajani Daoudi of Jerusalem, Israel.


Mohammad S. Dajani Daoudi, Jerusalem Israel


We met the founder of the Wasatia Foundation, Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, who autographed the following two books for all participants in the peace tour: Wasatia – The Spirit of Islam; and Jerusalem, from the lens of Wasatia. To understand the concept, it is best to read about The Wasatia Rainbow, printed on the first page of Jerusalem, from the lens of Wasatia:


"The Wasatia Rainbow


It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow. In a similar way, it takes both fanaticism and submission to make Wasatia. Though the winds of adversity are trying to blow our values away, our audacity and determination is so strong and vigorous that we will keep pushing so that those values will continue spreading and growing to new heights."

Professor Mohammed Dajani explained that the word ‘Wasatia’ in Arabic comes from ‘wasat’ meaning “center” or “middle” which in the Quran is used to mean justice, moderation, and temperance, perhaps even go so far as to perceive a notion of neutrality. The exact quote from the Holy Quran, Baqarat (Cow) Surah, verse 143 is: "And thus We have made you a middle-ground nation." To email Professor Mohammed, write to:


I had been thinking of a word which I had learned in Arabic, while still in England, from my friend Samia Ahmed, who shared one of my chemistry classes with me (taught by Professor Mr. Fasihi from India) at Aylestone High School, London, England. Samia originally came from Sudan, and the word she taught me in Arabic if I remember correctly, was “Wazin” which meant weight.


However, professor Mohammad explained it was not from the same root of the word, Wasatia (because the “z” and “s” are different letters)... nonetheless, the idea is that Wasatia uses the scale as its symbol, (as in the cover of the two books) to “balance” ideas, and I still see somewhat of a connection, since a scale balances the weight on both sides of the scale!


Maybe even the English word “weight” has some connection. Or better still, how about the word “waist?” Ha, ha, ha... One's waist is generally where the center of gravity's imaginary line bisects the body, or where it horizontally cuts the vertical plan approximately in half.


What words can you think of, that sound like they may have a link to interpretations of the concept of Wasatia? A friend just shared their thoughts on the golden mean:




There is no meaning at the extremes; just chaos, ha, ha, ha! We need to direct our meandering selves, and therefore, I wonder, whether we can switch from being mean to being kind? What kind of a person are you? I hope you can enrich our play on words further and add to the mix!


All languages have some common sounding elements in basic words, it seems, whether of Asian-Indian, Native-American-Indian, European, Slavic, or other Asian origins, etc... One of the synonyms for the English word “waste” is to neutralize! (Just think of the waste process, when one has to recycle; to neutralize the infectious material, ha, ha, ha...)


And indeed, Wasatia has a lot to do with neutralizing the negativity of the radical or fanaticism in any of the religions involved, and so there is a similarity from that aspect, yet, as well! Middle ground, or neutrality, can also be considered, if thought of in terms of Kashrut, as being Parve! (neither dairy, nor meat)...


Another Hebrew word, coming from the same Semitic root of wasatia, is veset, as in something that is regulated. “Veset” is the Hebrew word for a woman's period, when she is menstruating as is her nature of being a woman capable of reproducing by bearing children. If she were unable to calculate the due date of those monthly secretions during her regularity (in French the word period is regle just like a ruler) then she might be unprepared to contain her flow with convenient sanitary napkins or tampons which might otherwise had been available had she known when to expect it, and instead, be embarrassed in public... consider here that something that is more moderate, is bound to be more regular, too; or more acceptable, to either of the extremes!


Wasatia, perhaps ought to have a love of the natural order of the universe and relativity? From the ingenious scientist, Albert Einstein's theory, e=m(c)2 and consideration of the 186,000 seconds per mile, or 300,000 seconds per kilometer, speed of light, we can see an interesting numeric correlation in the Hebrew Gematria of 6 in the first case, from the word Merkaz which means center in English, which is another interpretation for the word Wasatia, adding up the "numerology" value of the letters of the word Merkas which are mem, (40) plus reish (200), plus caf (20) and zayin (7) totaling 267 which leads to 2+6+7=15 and then 1+5=6 similar result to figuring that in Gematria, the number 186 would be 1+8+6 =15 or 1+5=6., as is the Gematria of the word Rachmanim (compassionate ones) reish (200) plus chet (8) plus mem (40) plus nun (50) plus yod (10) plus mem (40) = 348 which becomes 3+4+8=15 in turn 1+5 =6 again. Both Hebrew and Greek uses the letters of the alphabet for numerical values.


Whereas for the Gematria of the latter, using the units 300,000 seconds per kilometer, resulting in the numerology of 3, we find the special word Tivonut which means vegan, calculated in numerology as tet (9) plus vet (2) plus ayin (70) plus vav (6) plus nun (50) plus vav (6) plus tav (400) = 543=5+4+3=12=1+2=3, same as the number in Gematria as 3 for the sum of 300,000 seconds per kilometer, speed of light in Einstein's theory of relativity.


Therefore, the one who is counting the units, or measuring, or who moderates how things get regulated, is more in control, resulting in less chaos and unrest. Incidentally, the vegan diet is least like meat or dairy, and more like parve (except, of course, for the fish and eggs)..."middle" of the road, neutral! Blood symbolizes death, whereas milk symbolizes birth... "For Peace in all Regions, Vee activist Raw Vegans," for vegan is ultimately middle-ground, even more “neutral” than parve is, when thought of as being in the center, neither "dairy" nor "meat" for the dietary observance of the laws of keeping Kosher!


Professor Dajani, reflecting on why Wasatia:


(Wasatia could be thought of as meaning: center/middle/neutral/orderly/measured)

It is essential to come to a sort of understanding about the opposing views, on page 80 of the book he co-authored with Zeina M. Barakat, and other family members: Ashraf M. Dajani, and Munther S. Dajani, called: Jerusalem --- From the Lens of Wasatia, where they wrote: “The extremist Jewish groups hope to achieve the complete expulsion of the Palestinian natives out of the promised land of Eretz Israel, in order to achieve a purely Jewish religious State with Yerushalyim [Jerusalem] as its capital.”


On the other had, the extremist Islamic groups hope to also achieve an overtaking of Palestine and set up a religious Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif [Jerusalem] as its capital.”


Perhaps by adopting rawfood veganism, (which is Tivona'ut, in Hebrew) we can achieve a common middle-ground between radicals? There are thoughts that a vegan diet is a more peaceful lifestyle, less hatred, more compassion, more understanding love and reasoning, all essential as peacemaking qualities.


Towards the end of the book Wasatia, The Spirit of Islam, some acronyms are spelled out:


Secular movements:


DELP – Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine


FATAH – Palestinian National Liberation Movement


FiDA – Palestine Democratic Union


PNI – Palestinian National Initiative


PPP – Palestinian People's Party


PFLP – Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine



Religious Parties:


HAMAS – Islamic Resistance Movement


ILP – Islamic Liberation Party


IS – Islamic Struggle (al-Jihad el-Islami)


LIEQ – Legions of Izz Eddin al-Qassam


MB – Muslim Brotherhood


PA [PNA] Palestinian Authority [Palestinian National Authority]


PCP – Palestinian Communist Party


PLC – Palestinian Legislative Council


It is hoped that a more centrist leadership will succeed in achieving peace. On page 60 of this same book it says, “Time will come for Wasatia to emerge as a moderate political initiative that would draw the best and the brightest from among the Palestinian people.” On page 62 at the bottom, we find that “Wasatia welcomes the day when Palestinian children no longer are exposed to a literature of incitement, hate and violence, and instead, grow up in a rich culture, where they can co-exist in peace, prosperity and harmony.” Proponents of rawfood veganism suggest what needs to hasten the day's arrival, when it might be the “Right Time” in order that were all the people in the world to be weaned off of meat entirely, then there would be no hunger and less poverty in the world. This is when true peace reigns on earth, a time of change.. what is the supposition of adopting a rawfood vegan lifestyle? Vegan outreach programs point out that the non-vegan diet does not consider our dwindling resources, especially the need to take into consideration sweet fresh water conservation, and that a non-vegan diet is so impractical, wasteful, disrespectful of the natural selection, harms the environment, is unjust, lacks harmony and disregards the duty to fight against cruelty to non-human animals, as well as protecting human rights, giving a voice to the voiceless.


To have compassion over animals is akin to empathizing with man, the human animal. Do you agree? When we care for one “common” species, regarding all beings on this planet as “earthlings” then we simultaneously show less prejudice, and less racism, displayed within the human race itself becomes more natural!


Yisroel Finman (95% vegan) Jewish Paths, Jewish Destination Weddings, Chai Kosher (Key West, FL) "The planet and humanity need for us to consume a predominantly natural, unadulterated vegan diet."

What motives people to wish to create change in their own lives first, before attempting to criticize others, and what motivates you in self-development? Here's a slogan: For Peace in All Regions, Vee Activist-Raw-Vegans! How is the vegan rawfood lifestyle (in Hebrew translates as Tivonaut, stemming from the word for vegan which is Tivoni and the word Na for raw (un-cooked) making together the new word TivoNAi, or instead of Tivonut, (veganism) it would be Tivonaut for raw-veganism. Does the combination of these two concepts, rawfood and veganism encompass both the most modest and moderate way of living? Does anyone else have a story to share on this topic?


* Explaining the new word I coined, which is the verb to vee: (the easiest way to explain it is to use the following comparison: To “vee” is to “raw vegan,” as is to breathe is to breath! In other words, it is the act of living a raw vegan lifestyle (not just a dietary vegan, but all of the other reasons as well, whether it be for one or a combination of the following: eliminating all uses of animal products, not just what's found in ones food, for reasons of diet; health; ethics; global warming reduction; climate change reversal; anti-vivisection animal rights issues; animal welfare; non-ownership (guardians); saving the ecology; less wild life extinction; caring for the ecology; restoring harmony by providing for a less toxic environment for our grandchildren/great-grandchildren to come; less waste of resources; less carbon emissions; growing food organically-cared-for produce; being compassionate about our fellow non-human animals, as well as human kind to oppose aggression; and that of our seeking a more spiritual connection to changing our planet to embracing peace and love on earth and non-violence in general, with a better possibility of cooperation to solve those problems of a nature that knows no borders, such as climate change)... and in general to better cooperate with one another, in being moderate, more loving and understanding and above all else, compassionate. V is very special, indeed. It is the center of the whole First Five Books of Moses (in the sacred Torah scroll) and also this letter "V" in Biblical Hebrew (pronounced VAV;) one-single-letter word, means "hook" or the "and" word, in a sense, the "joining" of [joyful] things... 




Now, what does being a vegetarian (nabati in Arabic (if used for a male) or nabatia (for a female) have to do with moderation? Is there a connection between vegetarianism and moderating a peace process in any region? [incidentally, in Hebrew, the root of the word for nabat, n, b, and t, also stand for the word sprout, which makes sense, since vegetarians enjoy eating that which has sprouted, ha, ha, ha!]


 Vegetarian Times - Nov 1992 - Google Books Result 183 - 120 pages - Magazine
In this book, Barnard advocates a vegan diet that is low in fat, high in fiber and [healthy starchy?] carbohydrates, and modest in protein. He also recommends [being] moderate


How does an initiative for peace-making promote moderation (Wasatia?)... thinking about what is common in ones lifestyle, that shies away from extremes, yet ensures a middle-ground possibility for everyone to follow who wishes to participate in embracing that which is common, or could possibly be accepted as a way to unite basic way of living in an agreeable way, without conflicting dietary habits, and without criticizing traditions or differences among specific types of styles of cuisine handed down from generation to generation... could it be that the same people who recommend being more moderate, would be more open to looking at changing their outlook on whether to adopt a more “moderate” vegan lifestyle? Further on, what does the meaning of the word “moderate” mean, from the point of view of seeking peace-making? Does this form of being moderate serve as a revelation of a highly spiritual nature?


On Page 83, of Mohammad Dajani Daoudi's book, Wasatia, The Spirit of Islam, he explains what motivated him to create Wasatia:


“It was late 2006 during the month of Ramadan. My house used to overlook the Ram checkpoint. I was standing on the balcony of my office, and saw hundreds of Palestinians from the West Bank trying to pass the checkpoint to go to Jerusalem to pray in the Haram al-Sharif and al-Aqsa Mosque.


The soldiers at the checkpoint pushed them back and threw at them tear gas grenades but to no avail. Suddenly I noticed that things cooled down. A compromise was struck. The Israeli army provided buses that took the people to Jerusalem, held their identity cards, and gave them back to them upon their return.


This made me think: Those are moderate religious people. Had they been radical they would have used violence for media attention. However, they opted to accept a peaceful compromise. Who represents them? As a result Wasatia was established on January 1, 2007 and the first annual conference was held on Wednesday March 21, 2007.”


Speaking of empathy, the word "Compassion" comes to mind.  The Prophet is referred to by the Quran as the Mercy of the World (21:107); and one of the sayings of the Prophet informs the faithful that, "God is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child."


In Judaism, compassion is expressed with the term "Rachmanim B'nei Rachmanim" meaning we are the compassionate children of compassionate forefathers. Why do you think that Jewish vegans and/or vegetarians who are also animal lovers, empathize with the pain and suffering in factory farms of confined creatures use this quote to stand against cruelty to animals? Have you seen the movie A Sacred Duty? Have you read Judaism and Vegetarianism?


To answer the question about finding the connection between Kosher and vegan, how about glancing quickly at the smaller three words written inside the Kosher vegan symbol at the bottom?


There is a prohibition in our tradition of causing pain to not only humans, but also non-human animals. The concept is known as: Tsa'ar Ba'alei Chayim, justifying the need for our re-considering what we would not wish to eat, considering the pain from the meat industry which should not be supported. Therefore, it makes sense to become Vegan Kosher to fulfill the Mitzvah of being compassionate. That is why vegan-Kosher symbolizes that we “eat with compassion,” just as it states on the label. Rabbi Simcha Roth wrote more about this in his article, mentioning the cruelty due to factory farming, pointing out that we should all become vegan! and in Hebrew


Following in his forefathers' tradition, Rabbi Yehoshua Hollander, is an Orthodox Rabbi, who was one of the founders of the revised Sanhedrin, the living faith of Abraham.


Judaism, Bnei Noach


We have common roots, Abrahamic, Moslem, Hadj, Sheik...





Left-to-right: Rabbi Yehoshua Hollander, Ibrahim Abu El-Hawa, Eliyahu McLean


Says Rabbi Hollander, I wish to first explain that I'm not a "leader," haven't got a great following yet...ha, ha, ha…” and goes on to say that about 200 Rabbis were affiliated with the Sanhedrin, for religious Jewish social issues, for example one could see how similar this is, compared to the difference between the house of Lords and the House of Commons, where other considerations occur. This is not part of the Government in any way.


Ibrahim Abu el Hawa – “Father of the Wind”


Speaking English, Arabic, Hebrew and Russian, Ibrahim (Abraham) Ahmad Abu El-Hawa, who we met later on, fits in very well with the multi-ethnic people of Israel, adding that he had visited 40 states in America, has two children a son and a daughter there, and he is neutral; he never became a citizen of any country, but travels with a travel document instead of a passport... I speak Russian, English, Arabic, and Hebrew. Anyone who wishes to send me a message may email me at:


Ibrahim's family has been at Mount Olives for over 1,400 years. We have accumulated about 14,000 family names.


Ibrahim: I have been working for 10 years, had had enough looking sadly through the streets of Jerusalem, seeing the tears, witnessing the killing, despising the hating, and finally made a vow: we're going to work for as long as we live on being ONE family, the HUMAN family, not ignoring each other.


On the whole, I believe that Moslems worldwide are seekers of peace, but fanaticism looks at it differently. Those fanatic Moslems cannot be convinced to look at the Jewish point of view. They will not allow any criticism of Islam, in any way, shape, or form. Islam should pose no problem, after all, it is a monotheistic religion... should there then, be no problem with religion and Islam?


Bernard Shaw wrote that people were so wrong when they criticized Christianity, however, all of them practiced politics, behavior of which created rifts religiously. They claim we have the land that they want, and on the other hand, they claim that we want more of the land. It is the political interest that is a conflict, which creates more religious rifts. That in turn, creates another political problem to be solved.


Mitzvot Bnei Noach... Beit Din, leader of the public, not only of the Jewish religiosity, but also of the non-religious Jews. Limited, and directed, by Torah, Noachide code. Formulated in the negative sense to be more precise. Take for example the concept of love thy neighbor as thyself... switch this to the negative equivalent of: “Do not do that unto thy neighbor which would be harmful if that were to be done unto you”... How many of the commandments out of the 10 are negative? Don't take a limb from a living animal, no idolatry, no blasphemy, no murder, no theft, no familial sexual relations, etc., etc...  peacemakers have a meeting of the mind, for the first time meeting in person, a question to be asked, by the photographer at this peace making tour, “Can a Jew and a Moslem co-exist?” Her son had to write about it for a project at school. He was killed in action fighting in Iraq recently... his mother knew that part of keeping her son's memory alive was in her coming and volunteering in Israel and finding the answer to his question.


4th Ibrahimic Faith, is Druze, here in the Peacemakers with us today in this peace tour we have representatives of three out of the four Ibrahimic faiths and they are of the Jewish, Christian and Moslem faiths, as are found right here, in Israel. Maybe the Druze will join us on a later tour, we will be having weekly events from now on. This is a great success story to be shared worldwide...


Gateway --- Mount of Olives to experience this, at Ibrahim's house. It is a "House of Peace." 1970's from around the world, thousands have been welcome, to the spacious bedrooms, big kitchen and food... hospitality.


Eliyahu McLean talks about an ultra orthodox Rabbi Froman, a settler, with whom Ibrahim celebrates and dances at the wedding with the children on his shoulders, and at the Rabbi's daughter's wedding, or at sad occasions visiting the sick in hospital, where they were suffering from cancer of the bowels of the body, in the intestines praying for healing, and blessings from G-d.


As a Rabbi, and a religious Jew, Eliyahu invited Ibrahim to give a blessing under the canopy at his wedding with his bride. They now have a beautiful daughter.


Ibrahim sat and mourned with him when his Mother, of blessed memory, had passed away... No threats of violence, No cynicism and skepticism, but acceptance and unconditional love.


“ takes two wings to fly” says Rabbi Eliyahu McLean, who regards himself as being middle-ground...



“I spend time in the settlements, I have friends there, Matisyahu, the singer, met him, have a Greek Malkite Priest friend named Jurious, went to a Harmony Festival, Michael Fonty, during high school one year, met Shlomo Karlebach, peaceful musician, the singing Rabbi, guitar-playing happy person, he named me Eliyahu, his daughter's in Santa Rosa, California, Facebook Picture album...”


Studied for one year in a place where there was only one Jewish student. Eliyahu was invited to this  Jewish kid's Bar Mitzvah, which he experienced as a ritual that he had never before heard of. Since then he became more interested in his Jewish roots that before.


McLean's Scottish father's family were non-Jews. Was influenced by universal teachings while living in Hawaii, decided to turn back to the foundation of his Jewish roots from his mother's side. In Facebook and Flicker, is “Olan” McLean. (The source for “Eliyahu” in his Scottish English first name).


In Hebrew, Jerusalem is pronounced Yerushalayim, the ending “ayim” is for something in pairs. Therefore the “two” Jerusalem's are as follows:


“Heavenly” Jerusalem; and “Earthly” Jerusalem --- above, and below...


The vision is of the two of them to come together, resulting in the unification of heaven and earth, bringing together the opposites in the middle! Can we experience heaven on earth?!? What would that be like? Paradise! Would you be able, perhaps, to imagine, quite possibly, a Messianic era of peace and tranquility unfolding before our very eyes in our lifetime?


It is the activists who close the gap between the Jerusalem of heaven and the Jerusalem of earth. First time Judaism, second time Christianity, third time Mahadi Islam, after Messiah, Lubavitcher Rabbi, 994, our job is to try to bring Moshiach closer here and now, in acts of loving kindness NOW.

Ibrahim is 69 years old, was born in 1942 on the 24th of December has 8 children and 30 grandchildren...


How can we make a conscious connection between two words that in Hebrew, at least, have common roots, making it easier to make the association of ideas? The words are: Slaughter, and Cook! Kitchen also comes from the same root: these words are Tevach, and Tabach, and Mitbach. The three common “root” letters are 'T,' 'B,' and 'H.' Tet, Bet (or Vet) and Het (pronounced Khet or Chet). The word for Kitchen is Mitbach. Maybe one can imagine you just hired a butcher to work out of your kitchen? Food for thought... raw-vegan-Kosher observers neither buy into the higher food chain nor do they cook their meals (unless at a considerably lower temperature moderate enough to just be able to remove a certain amount of the moisture from the food, instead of using excessive heat, saving living enzymes and nutrients that would otherwise have been lost in the cooking process).




True Christian compassion, say the Gospels, should extend to all, even to the extent of loving one's enemies. Christ challenges Christians to forsake their own desires and to act compassionately towards others, particularly those in need, or in distress. Jesus assures his listeners in the Sermon on the Mount that, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."


Saint Mark's Syriac Orthodox Monastery, St. Mark's Street, Jerusalem 00972 



Friar Raban Mushe Cicek (Cicek means flower in Aramaic) can be reached at the following telephone number: 054-316-4201 for tours of the Church.


Semitic Language (Aramaic) sons of Noah. Born-again, anew, when baptism, over land, interfaith, Jerusalem, Amman, Bagdad, Iraq, Aramaic. Ham, Shem, Lashom, Shomoyi


Every Friday, Every Sunday, Holy Sepulcher behind Coptic Church, Bethsemane, (from Beit Shemen, house of [olive] oil) below, Mary's tomb is below). The spoken Aramaic is the Aramaic of Syria. Mary, mother of John, Cypress name of Richard, Church of 2000 years ago. Rooted in Jerusalem, deep in the ground, originally built up, now it is down again, you can see it is currently undergoing renovations again... Bishops traditionally were buried under the altar. Original picture is upstairs of the figure of Holy Virgin Mary and Child, the Son, Jesus Christ.


Upstairs 300 years old, but some of it is obviously quite a lot older, from the Byzantine time. Jerusalem was destroyed. Able to converse in Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish, Dutch, 7 years in Holland, German, 8 years in Switzerland, grew up as a young boy in Turkey, mother tongue however is Aramaic, with the “oh” dialect, as in the time of Abraham, eastern dialect, the western dialect would be “ah.”


Three monks, we had founded the First Church in Antioch, Bishop Shamen 1980, Connie the photographer is from the Calvary Chapel Church in America.



Spreading peace naturally, could involve song-making, with children from a young age in this process. Children naturally make friends more easily without prejudice when they are little before being exposed to negative images of animosity or hate or violence. Maybe we can get children to draw pictures? Kids of all faiths, all traditions, cultures, religions, persuasions, about peacemaking efforts, to be used as illustrations for this project?


Here is a mural in progress by children of many faiths who unite for peace making:









Here is a poem that follows, written by a friend, which would be great if you know someone who could translate it perhaps into modern Arabic? (any dialect would be fine) and I will get it translated also into Hebrew. If possible, it would also be great to find someone who could compose a melody to the rhythm of this song and we could begin and/or end each future tour with everyone (including children, if possible) can join in, at least in the chorus Shalom-Salaam-Peace! Do you think it is a good poem, reflective of a yearning of peace by all parties involved (and perhaps even others?)


Thank you for your time in reading this article. Blessings, Janine Laura Bronson, ©  2011. P.S.: permission granted by both the author of the poem at the end, Peter Aladjem and the artist Eva Kostabel, to include the following painting and poem:


Picture painted by: Eva Kostabel, UCI,  3965 W. 83rd. Street #292 Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 | tel: 913.648.0022 | fax: 913.648.7997 |





Dreaming Jerusalem

Jews sleep in Jerusalem

Moslems and Christians, too.

Yet what will it take

How long will it be

‘Till Each one believes in...

Each one embraces

The other one’s dreams?


Salaam, shalom, 

Shalom, salaam,

Salaam, shalom,


Shalom, Salaam,

Salaam, shalom,

Shalom, Salaam,



The Jew dreams...

back to Jerusalem

back to my land

to my home

my roots

my dream

my world

my all.


The Moslem dreams... back to Jerusalem

back to my land

to my home

my roots

my dream

my world

my all.







The Christian dreams...

back to Jerusalem

back to my land

to my home

my roots

my dream

my world

my all.

But what will it take

How long will it be


Each one believes in...

Each one embraces

The other one’s dreams?


When the Moslem dreams

For the Jew and the


The Christian dreams

for the Jew

And the Jew dreams

for the Moslem

and the Christian.


What will it take?

How long will it be?

Jews sleep in Jerusalem

Moslems and Christians, too.


Salaam, shalom

Shalom, salaam

Salaam, shalom


Shalom, Salaam

Salaam, shalom

Shalom, Salaam



This poem was written by: Peter Aladjem © 2011


Vee Safe and Sound.





Views: 200

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Comment by Janine Laura Bronson on June 7, 2012 at 22:32

Blessings to you too, Scott Adam!!! (I think this is a form of greeting that is used often, right?)

Comment by Scott Adam ALF on June 7, 2012 at 22:07


Comment by Janine Laura Bronson on June 7, 2012 at 10:17

I like it!

Comment by Billy L on June 7, 2012 at 5:05

For Peace in All Regions, Vee Activist-Raw-Vegans



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