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Comment by Lee Aiken on February 12, 2012 at 14:36

I love it!  Chickens enforcing peace!

Comment by emma dilemma on January 22, 2011 at 7:36
I`ve got a similar chicken story to yours jordan. My mum used to look after two chickens called richard and sandra they had been together for years. A fox came into the garden one day and took sandra but cause she was in his mouth he got stuck at a gate with her. Richard attacked the fox from behind and he dropped sandra and took him instead. By the time my mum got outside it was too late and the fox had gone with richard. Sandra refused to eat from that day and died about a week later...i have no doubt it was from a broken heart she had no other injuries. It disgusts me that these brave amazing animals are treated with so little respect by humans.
Comment by Jordan Wyatt on January 19, 2011 at 15:56

I'll never forget the time when Mr Rooster, our local Rooster Friend started attacking my legs, as always, I ignore it, it doesnt really hurt if I have long pants on, the worst he could do is scratch my bare legs.

Well, I put up with it as I moved past him, and one Hen, one of his daughters, who he rules over with an Iron Beak, she stood up for *me*!  She flared out her wings, to look as large as possible, and kind of "pointed them forwards" too.  She looked very big, and aggressive, and made a low noise as she moved towards him.  He instantly stopped attacking me, and went about his own business, perhaps similar to these Hens (I believe) stopping Rabbits attack each other.

When you consider that a Roosters "territorial" instinct is so great that he'd take on a 1.95M tall human, when he really doesnt reach up past my lower leg, when we kill 49 Billion of his kind, with males to be ground up on day one... all for his instincts to protect his family...


And when a Hen would stand up to him, when they are basically kept under constant control by a Rooster, he finds them food, tells them to eat etc, he often will "shepherd" them, like a "Sheep Dog" amongst a flock..., that a Hen would risk her life to stop a Rooster attacking someone else is very sweet!

Comment by blackpanther on January 17, 2011 at 21:31
so funny! they seem to be teachers caring for youngsters......
Comment by emma dilemma on January 17, 2011 at 21:22

Hehe that made me giggle chickens rock :)

Comment by Carolyn Bailey on January 17, 2011 at 20:29

Haha, they broke up the fight and then admonished them for it. 

Amazing, and pretty funny.


Thanks, Kate!




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