Animal Rights Zone

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How do *you* talk with ordinary people about veganism?

As the title suggests, I'm wondering what others say to people (omnivorous, mostly unaware of animal rights concepts) they meet one-on-one.

I find myself bringing my veganism up when the inevitable topic of food arises, not wanting to downplay it as vegetarianism, or avoiding dairy, etc. but rather to assert the ethical reasons for my choice.

It seems much easier to compose an argument on a forum or facebook, because you can reference articles or websites that give in-depth information to back up your claims. But in a unplanned live context, with no aids like pamphlets or videos, only your memory and conversation skills, where do *you* start?

How do you introduce the idea of animal rights and the reason that you are vegan to folks like the ones I mentioned? Do you have a "canned" speech or mental list of talking points that you have found to be effective?

What are some counterarguments or objections that stumped you and how did you either overcome them or what did you learn for the next time?

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I just wanted to say, reading this over, it really helped. I am TERRIBLE at addressing the vegan/vegetarian thing with people, especially in my current living situation.

I came from a city where veganism/vegetarianism is actually on the rise, and we have many restaurants dedicated to all vegan meals. However, Ive since then moved to a very small town where I literally get laughed at by strangers and coworkers when my choices get brought up.

I currently work at a restaurant as a hostess, and my manager just got wind that Im a veg. He's the only one that's been cool about it without the judgmental "oh shes weird" look in his eye.


I also have had trouble in the past discussing my choices without getting angry. I've had my ex boyfriends sister start a full-on facebook war because of it. I also had a neighbour yell at my mom because she thinks animals were put on this earth for our use, from food to pet, end of story. 


I just find I have a hard time 'making light'. With my friends back home it was all good, they were pretty supportive, albeit a little confused. I held vegan potlucks and put on some somewhat mild documentaries when some friends got curious.

Otherwise I have been in more arguments then not regarding veganism, and therefore, I try to avoid the topic, unless someone actually comes to me and asks me questions..


I should try to breach the topic with more humor, or more sympathy for the person in the conversation haha. I do feel bad for meat eaters. It seriously is like a drug. 

I don't think it's the food that's so hard to leave behind, but the words. At least that was the case for me. If I say "burger" you know what I mean ... even when the burger is made out of beans.

I've really been working on this matter a lot lately, as I feel I have a duty to advocate more, but of course it has to be done diplomatically or it backfires. So, I've started a video series on the isssue that I hope people can use as a reference when discussing veganism. If I may be so concieted, I'm hoping people can direct others to the vids to help them understand the underlying priniciples of veganism.

I hope they're useful. More will follow soon



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