Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

All Blog Posts (689)

The effects of categorisation as food

Very interesting study about the effects of categorising animals as food. Below is a brief summary and some of my thoughts on the matter but there is a lot more in the paper, which can be found here

The study seeks to understand “the effect of categorization as food on the perceived moral standing of animals”. it has been suggested…


Added by olly stearn on February 17, 2012 at 7:31 — 2 Comments

Petition for tigers

This is an appeal to sign a petition for tigers.  See details at;

There are something like just 3,200 tigers left and they are being killed still for Chinese medicine and other products. Some are literally starved to death to make a wine, and the sight of such a beautiful animal so emaciated is indeed tragic. 

Added by Kerry Baker on February 15, 2012 at 21:39 — No Comments

For scholars

This new network may be a good opportunity to share research and views about environmental and animal rights issues.

See website at:

You will have to subscribe, which is free, to have a look but if you see under the news headings you will find a link to a new Sustainability Research & Policy Network.

I note they include vegetarianism in their examples of what might be useful, but see no reason…


Added by Kerry Baker on February 15, 2012 at 17:21 — No Comments

Vegan Home Cooking

Life is good! I am currently residing in the beautiful mid-west, USA and I am no longer homeless. It’s wonderful that I can now cook my own meals again. After posting a photo of my vegan dumplings my good friend, Sandy, asked me for the recipe. I get many requests for recipes, so I am starting a new section whereby I may share my culinary delights.

Please keep in mind that I am vegan for the animals first, the planet second and…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on February 14, 2012 at 7:30 — 6 Comments

How to reduce your/your pet's risk of an outdoor shocking or electrocution - 2/6 Regina dog shockings.

Greetings! Unfortunately, some dog walkers discover a danger, only sadly, when victimized. Please see the recent canine shockings/electrocution on StreetZaps and our safer non-conductive strategy.  I confer with Con Edison's Stray Voltage and Public Affairs Units; The National Electric Code showcases the site. Shock victim, Aric Roman's, case first appeared on StreetZaps in 3/09 and is in pre-trial at Con Edison (please see Testimonies, Safety) as he is permanently disabled.  When you…


Added by Blair Sorrel on February 9, 2012 at 6:49 — No Comments

A Bucket of Sand ~ Barbara DeGrande

How does one get through everyday life when it includes a continuing awareness of the abject misery to which we subject endless animals, children and humans? How do you live within your own skin when others of your species are so abjectly cruel? Over the holidays, when I was placed at a table next to a “ham,” I could not help but consider the pig that was the living being,…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on February 8, 2012 at 7:30 — No Comments

Why would you want to watch that?

If I recall correctly, the question was first asked of me (in a vegan/AR context rather than a more general one) when I expressed interest in seeing the slightly infamous documentary involving interaction between Peter Singer and Tipu Aziz. It seemed that certain acquaintances thought even watching the show constituted letting the side down. I think my reasons at the time were along the following lines:

-To see for myself whether Singer does in fact capitulate and express pro-vivisection…


Added by Lise Duck on January 26, 2012 at 6:59 — 5 Comments

PETA: Futile Efforts and Destructive Consequences

Originally published on

January 23, 2012

It is true that any social movement succeeds in stages. The time necessary for a society to see an issue as a problem, to see how their actions contribute to suffering…


Added by NR on January 26, 2012 at 5:30 — 10 Comments

Animal Welfare ~ Dr. Roger Yates

In August 2010, I wrote a blog entry about whether specific animal welfare campaigning is necessary. The argument is predicated on the idea that there is a three-way relationship among social movements, their countermovements, and (broadly) the state - or specific state agencies.

There may be a complex web on interactions among these groups or…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 24, 2012 at 21:30 — 3 Comments

The Spectrum of Acceptable Opinion - A Response to Rob Johnson

It seems like Rob Johnson just can’t let go of his obsession with ARZone.


On Brandon Becker's Facebook page, Rob Johnson said a number of things that are all equally banal, but I’d like to focus on just this:

Similarly the latest ARZone blog, which I am told Yates was promoting yesterday, is on the fact that they deem ARZone to be successful and so they deem the AR movement to be successful as ARZone supports open debate. There's a famous Chomsky quote that…

Added by Tim Gier on January 23, 2012 at 14:30 — 7 Comments

Is ‘Christian Agrarianism’ Thoroughly Compassionate? Is ‘Humane Slaughter’ an Oxymoron?

Nicolette Hahn Niman argues in her recent book, Righteous Porkchop, that it’s acceptable to raise animals for food as long as they are treated humanely and killed quickly. She assures consumers that the animals at the ranch that she manages with her husband, Bill Niman, have a “good life and an easy death.”1 Similarly, meat industry advertisers are doing all they can…


Added by Paul Hansen on January 21, 2012 at 20:30 — 5 Comments

An example of what I've been ranting about all these years!

Vegansaurus highlights an obnoxious advert by Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine. Now, I like PCRM, in general. I have a few reservations about any group promoting veganism on health grounds, but can appreciate one that doesn't actually push it as a miracle cure/source of immortality. Likewise, they've always been a bit too anti-dietary fats for my taste (even if we ignored the health benefits of, say, olive or…


Added by Lise Duck on January 21, 2012 at 2:16 — 3 Comments

The Evil Fur Trade

I hate the fur trade and I want to make the suffering stop for 50 million animals each year that are murdered brutally because they have a fur coat that someone else wants. Please sign my petition on to get Ebay leaders to ban the sale of new and vintage fur on Ebay's sites worldwide The link is

Added by Patricia Betty on January 16, 2012 at 0:18 — 9 Comments

21 Day Live Vegan Program

Veganize your life today and get started on this beautiful journey as you embark on a new you.

The program is tailored specifically to you, with daily emails, world class writers, videos, e-books and lots more.

Veganize Your Life!

The Vegan Era CREW have put together some amazing ideas and concepts for you so that you can very easily…


Added by Vegan Era on January 10, 2012 at 10:46 — 1 Comment

Transcript of Mark Jordan's Live ARZone Guest Chat

Transcript of Mark Jordan's LIve ARZone Guest Chat

7 January 2012

5pm US Eastern Time

10pm UK…


Added by Carolyn Bailey on January 8, 2012 at 19:30 — 8 Comments


Well all I have to say is that ARCO - Animal Rights Community Online is still online and will stay online!

Added by Vegan Student on January 7, 2012 at 9:21 — 4 Comments

Call For Aid: Activist Friends - Please be discreet

Please Assist or Pass this along to qualified parties: Seeking trace-route documentation on IP addresses (including geographical locations) of Naysayers and Trolls: Please see comments attached to the article here.I suspect the attacks on me are originating from certain local establishments and would like to…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 6, 2012 at 1:31 — No Comments

Assistance Needed: Homeless man finds inspiration through activism

My dear friends,

During the last incident involving the homeless in Rome, Georgia, you made the article in the Rome News-Tribune the “Most Commented Upon” issue for the week. Of course, you had some help.

As I have always said, “Controversy turns a mere subject into an issue.” The naysayers are at it again.…


Added by Holise E. Cleveland III on January 4, 2012 at 1:00 — No Comments

Is this world ruled by violence?

Yale University Professor of History Timothy Snyder reviews Steven Pinker's new book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why violence has declined.

According to Snyder, Pinker's libertarian bent contributes to a basic flaw in his analysis: he "overlooks the crucial relationship between…


Added by Tim Gier on January 3, 2012 at 2:40 — 2 Comments

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