Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

James McWilliams calls on Whole Foods to stop selling meat, John Mackey responds

Here is James McWilliams' letter:

Here is John Mackey's response:

I know James McWilliams has good intentions, but he's either naive or deluding himself if he truly expected Whole Foods to stop selling meat (or he could have known all along and wanted to make a statement for others' edification).  Did he really believe that hand-in-hand, Whole Foods would stop selling meat?  I doubt it.  In any case, when has playing up to noble ideals of leadership and animal welfare etc. to ask those who profit off others' exploitation to stop participating in said exploitation ever worked?  Except for a select few, ideals fall where wealth resides.  (It just goes to show that ideals may just be an evolutionary mishap and at their humans are materialistic, not in the greedy sense but in the sense that the don't like giving up material pleasures and wealth in the name of ideals.  Nothing new here. But I digress).

John Mackey thanks McWilliams for being "a champion of our brand."  I sincerely hope Mackey was mistaken.

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