Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

The website of The Fur Council of Canada’s states that “fur is green” is: “A public relations campaign explaining the ethical values of the Canadian fur trade and correcting misconceptions circulated…

The website of The Fur Council of Canada’s states that “fur is green” is: “A public relations campaign explaining the ethical values of the Canadian fur trade and correcting misconceptions circulated by eco-fundamentalists. Visit” ---- 

The Fur Council  portrays the fur industry as sustainable, ecological, natural, renewable, environmentally sound etc.  After all, it is their stated intention to lay to rest all “misconceptions circulated by eco-fundamentalists.” A branding of fur as “green” also takes place in this story.  It is the planted in their minds of consumers that as socially and environmentally conscious people they have an obligation to support the fur industry by choosing to buy “green” fur products over other textile alternatives.

The outline of the 1,500 word fairy tale on the furisgree website that emerges somewhat resembles this;

  • We want people to know that fur is an excellent choice if you care about nature.
  • Trappers are stewards of the land who cull fur animals to maintain the right ecological balance to avoid wildlife starvation, predation and disease;
  • “Fur farms are environmentally sound”;
  • “Canada is a world leader in the development of new trapping methods”;
  • “To fuel their fund-raising drives” “activist groups are staging horrible videos” like "the skinning of live fur animals";
  • “The fur industry is made up of ---artisans, trappers and farmers ---who are not media savvy --and don’t have the financial means to compete with the multi-million dollar budgets of the lucrative new protest industry”

This little write-up is the background to why I started a Petition at the end of June called "fur is green" is greenwash.  I've had excellent support for advocates of animal rights, and now have almost 2,000 signatures. Unfortunately the signatures have stopped rolling and the Petition is stalled, temorarily I hope. Pease sign and share. Here's the link I'll be very grateful to all those who will sign and share 

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