Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

How to Beat the #OccupyWallStreet Trending Blackout

Despite the obvious trend of #OccupyWallStreet on Twitter, the hashtag is not being listed. It is being blacked out. It only goes to prove that ‘big brother’ is watching and that he is afraid of the truth: We outnumber him 99 to 1! Regardless, everyone knows about #OccupyWallStreet because we, the people, have been spreading the word. Our source is the people on Wall Street and in every occupied city throughout the world. We share their tweets, links, photos, videos and blogs via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Yahoo, etc. The list goes on. Just yesterday, my wife was even spreading the news on Xbox Live. I tried to spread the word at my doctor’s office, but everyone already knows. They are also very upset about how mainstream media is behaving. We are the new media and that scares the big news networks. Their days are numbered and they are starting to realize it.

One simple way to bypass the blackout on Twitter is by simply using a tag that is currently trending. At this moment #YouMightBeGhettoIf and #EvenIfYouPaidMeIWont are both at the top of the list. You could just slap them into your tweets or you could be creative and combine them like so, “#YouMightBeGhettoIf you don’t know about #OccupyWallStreet,” or “#EvenIfYouPaidMeIWont support the one percent! Get Involved! #OccupyWallStreet!” There are also other ways if you are looking to target specific audiences.

I’ve educated a lot of people on the atrocities of cetacean captivity. If you’ve seen A Fall From Freedom, you know how Seaworld used its money to influence the government into allowing them to continue with their deplorable acts. By watching the Seaworld tweets, I eventually found a weak spot. SeaWorld San Antonio started using the hashtag #SWSA. They were pushing it big-time asking everyone to use the tag, so I complied. I exposed their evils to so many of their followers that they quit using the tag.

If you are in Boston, you may want to include #Boston in your tweets. If you want to target a specific college, go to their official Twitter profile and see what tag they are using. Do a little research and you will most probably discover a unique tag that is exclusive to a unique crowd. Most importantly, always include a link with your posts. Give them more info than what can be included in 140 characters.

Including a link has another nice little side effect. There are online newspapers that are based on hashtags and they display the link that corresponds with that tag. Here are just a few examples . . .

Many of these papers also have a sub-category where articles with other tags are displayed: #jobs, #finance, etc. The point is that you should use tags to target your audience or use them just for the heck of it. Who knows? There may be people out there who follow the tags for #food, #weather, etc. So when you combine tags, you will reach a whole different audience: “The #Weather is nice 2day for our #Orlando rally! #OccupyOrlando #OccupyWallStreet” This one would obviously show up in “Orlando Weather.” Pretty cool! Huh?

There is even more you can do. If you have a blog, start blogging about the cause. If you don’t have a blog, start one. You don’t have to be a good writer. In fact, you can simply copy another post with a link to your source, like the one I did here: #OccupyWallStreet: for People, #AnimalRights and the #Environment There is a very good reason why we should all be doing this. We are the media and you may have noticed that when a story breaks, it is everywhere. We, as the people, now have the responsibility to make this revolution breaking news every day. The world wide web is exactly that; it’s a web. It’s a network of links. The more links that go back to a particular article, blog post, photo, video or story, the better. The search engines don’t find things with magic. They find them via links and every time they find a link to a particular article, the engines re-index that page. So get those links out there in every way you can. Make is so that no one can surf in peace without stumbling upon news that we deem newsworthy. Make it so that this impending #revolution constantly #occupies their browsers, smart phones and their thoughts!

Read WE ARE THE MEDIA #OccupyWallStreet published twice daily!

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