Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Traumatised elephant tragedy in New Zealand

This story in the news today.

It's incredible that they kept the elephant there while there was blasting going on nearby causing the elephant to suffer panic attacks.  Yet another not surprising outcome from animal abuse.

Given she was sent to the zoo for emotional recovery in the first place, why did they leave er there one has to ask!

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Comment by Rachel on June 27, 2012 at 14:16

I know there's a large number of elephants suffering from different things at present however there's another elephant that needs some support and help! Mali is the lone elephant living in a concrete enclosure in the barren Manila zoo. PETA is running a campaign to free and transfer her to an elephant sanctuary in Thailand where she’ll be happy, free to roam and socialize. I've been following PETA's progress so far in this campaign and I think more public support could really help speed up the process of freeing her. Please take a few seconds to like the "Free Mali" Facebook page, spread it or even look up the progress on PETA-Asia Pacific. Thanks!

Comment by Kerry Baker on April 29, 2012 at 17:10

Thanks Jordan.  I can't even begin to imagine the hell that she was put through for those 28 years.  How people can do this is just beyond me.  I only hope that she gets the rehabilitation that she can to at least have some quality of life in her last years.  I understand they have decided not to kill her, but have seen nothing about what they intend to do with her after this tragic turn of events.

Comment by Jordan Wyatt on April 29, 2012 at 16:16

I met "Mrs Elephant", I have a photo of her here as the awful keeper Tony Ratcliffe threatened me 



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