Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Vegan, Peace, Justice, Wisdom, and Freedom ~ Dr. Will Tuttle

Vegan, peace, justice, wisdom, and freedom.

The word vegan, newer and more challenging than the word vegetarian because it includes every sentient being in its circle of concern and addresses all forms of unnecessary cruelty from an essentially ethical perspective, points to an ancient idea that has been articulated for many centuries, especially in the world’s spiritual traditions. It indicates a mentality of expansive inclusiveness and is able to embrace science and virtually all religions because it is a manifestation of the yearning for universal peace, justice, wisdom, and freedom. - our daily VegInspiration For The Day - our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update - our new online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training

Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle

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Comment by Kath Worsfold on April 23, 2012 at 20:09

I have seen the video of Dr. Tuttle's World Peace Diet lecture, and it was excellent. But then, I have since got the book (from the library, but I will definitely be buying it).

You can't imagine how wonderful this book is if you haven't read it. I am only up to page 33 so far, but it is SPELL-BINDING. I have already learned so much about mankind, our history, pre-history and what has shaped our species from the beginning of time, that it is mind-boggling. I know this is one book that will be well-thumbed, and I am hoping that he will have some answers for me further on in the book.



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