Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

What got me Started on an International day of Protest

My love for animals is Great!  And my recent attempts to help Save the Dolphins.
Prevent the start of Clubbing Baby Seals to death in Canada.  And trying to prevent
the Killing of Wolves, Aerial gunning in Alaska.  No matter how hard you try.  No
matter what you do.  In the end.  It happens anyway.   

And for a number of reasons.  The largest reason being the lack of support from the
general public in trying to get things changed.  And the lack of support is basically
due to the lack of knowledge.  People just DON'T KNOW!   Combined with the fact that
Governments seem bound and determined to keep things as they are.  Canada fought
tooth and nail to keep their precious Slaughter of Baby Seals alive and kicking.
Making a deal with China, so they had somewhere to sell their product!   

That frankly disgusted me!  To no end!!!   So I started thinking, what, what can I 
possibly do to help stop the Nightmare these animals go through on a daily basis. 
Animals are literally Tortured in the name of Science and testing of our household
products & Cosmetics.  No pain medication is given them through these procedures.  
And when their done with them, the animal is killed.  Again, I'm thoroughly disgusted!

HOW can ANY Human Being do such horrible things to an innocent animal.  HOW Can ANY  human being hear the cries of pain, see the fear and pain in their eyes and still
do these heinous acts.  And HOW can our governments support such things!!!  Not only 
by making it legal, but often times via financial support!

And so I thought.  Maybe if we could Unite Animal Lovers & Animal Activists all around
the world.  Standing together for all causes.  Maybe it would wake up the rest of the
world.  Open people's eyes to what's going on.  And then hopefully.  Gain more
support in trying to change and put an END to these atrocities once and for all.

I can Dream!   I can Pray!   I can only HOPE!  For their sake!  For those without
a Voice!   Here is a list of the TOP 20 Most Horrific Labs in the United States.



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Comment by Dawn Groth on March 7, 2011 at 14:28
Thank you Pat!   That's a compliment :O)
Comment by Pat Dickens on March 7, 2011 at 13:49
Well done! You have my full backing and support.



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