Animal Rights Zone

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This article raises some important questions about the value of welfare reforms and the problems associated with implementing reforms.  Prof. Gary Francione would probably argue that this article is all the evidence one would need to show that regulating animal abuse just perpetuates abuse. The only answer, Francione would say, is to abolish all use; anything short of that is a waste of time.  Prof. Robert Garner would probably argue that what the shortcomings of this kind of regulation show is that, since we don't have the political will even to enforce inadequate welfare measures, there's no reason to think that we are anywhere near having the political will or social capital to enact abolitionist measures. While it is true, Garner would say, that to abolish most forms of use would be better, the problem is how to get there.  

Please read the whole article, excerpted below, and then add your comments to the discussion.

'Animal Welfare Law not being properly enforced'

Right group charges that despite an existing law serving to protect them, many animals in Israel still suffer abuse.

The Animal Welfare Law is not being properly enforced, and the Agriculture Ministry is evading its obligation to create up-to-date regulations for handling animals, a new report declared this week.

The report, written by animal advocacy group Anonymous for Animal Rights, argued that, despite an existing law serving toprotect them, many animals in Israel still suffer abuse – such as confinement in cages that do not allow free motion, starvation periods and limb removal without proper anesthetics.

While the Animal Welfare Law has been in effect for 18 years, no one is protecting the animals and securing their welfare, the group charged.

The law requires that the Agriculture Ministry issue regulations that define basic criteria for protecting animals from abuse in various sectors – such as farms, petting zoos and kennels, the report said. Many animals across Israel do not receive any of the basic protection that the law affords them, with chickens often held in extremely crowded conditions, their beaks chopped off without any anesthesia and male newborns sent to die in garbage bags, according to the organization.

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"The only answer, Francione would say, is to abolish all use; anything short of that is a waste of time."

i would think that Francione would say that, as a movement, we need to effectively challenge the property status of nonhumans; any welfare regulations will fail to protect basic interests of nonhumans, and will never lead to abolition of their use as long as they are legal property. 

I don't disagree with your take on Francione's position. 

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