Animal Rights Zone

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

Hi my name is Geoff

I live in Australia and have been working my way up to this point all my life, I have long struggled with the way society exploits animals, one minute loving them next eating them. I have always had pets all my life and have eaten meat for the past 46 years I converted to vegetarianism 6 months ago after watching "Earthlings" and have never felt better physically and morally. Two months ago I went vegan and will never look back. I have joined this forum in the hope to learn more from the vegan community.

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Hi Geoff!

Welcome to ARZone, and congratulations on becoming vegan! 

I live in Australia too, in Queensland. If ever there's anything I can help with in regard to vegan products or anything else, please let me know. Although, Qld isn't the easiest place to be vegan at times. :)

I hope ARZone is helpful to you. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help!



Welcome Geoff


I'm new here too but I have really been liking the live chats on Sunday mornings. I think its great that we can all get to ask questions of people that have been doing this stuff for so long. It's been really useful to me.


Hope to see you there one time!




PS: Congrats on being vegan!!


Hi Carolyn,

I am in the other end of Australia [SA] I have visited Queensland and loved it. thank's for the offer of help I may need it one day. Cheers.



Hi Matt,


Thank's for the welcome, loving being vegan never felt better, looking forward to chatting with you in the future. Cheers.



Hi Geoff!

Nice to see you here!

Hey Jordan thank's

Hi Barbara,


Thanks for the welcome, I don't feel that I have made a significant change to my life I believe it is the least I can do for non human animals and hope to continue to as much as I can in the future. I'm starting to find my way around this site and will join in some chat's soon.




HI Geoff, welcome to the group. I hope you find ARZone to be a place where you feel free to ask any question you may have, and express any opinion or idea that comes to mind. We are all on a journey and can all learn something from one another.
Thank's for the welcome Tim.

Hey Geoff!

Welcome! And congrats on transitioning to a vegan lifestyle!

I too watched Earthlings but I found myself bawling right the beginning so admittedly I never got to watch the full documentary. :)

I understand your struggle, but for me, I have discovered the the struggle intensifies once making the connection. But it has made such a profound impact on my life that I too, will never look back.

I am from QLD, Australia and I hope that you enjoy it here on ARZone: the transcripts are enlightening and deliver knowledge that is invaluable and though-provoking.



*from :)


*thought (gee I am not having a very good day!) I have just started a raw food diet so I am experiencing some mental fog in the initial stages of detoxification

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